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At the Movies

Michael Wood: Pasolini’s ‘Teorema’, 2 April 2020

... that drove vengeance and justice are appeased, and converted into the so-called Kindly Ones. Pier PaoloPasolini accepted this story as still current in Italy in the 1960s, but with an important variant. The transformation did not mean the Furies were any the less ‘irrational and archaic’, only that instead of ...

Full of Words

Tim Parks: ‘Arturo’s Island’, 15 August 2019

Arturo’s Island 
by Elsa Morante, translated by Ann Goldstein.
Pushkin, 370 pp., £9.99, May 2019, 978 1 78227 495 7
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... Vasco Pratolini, Morante’s husband, Alberto Moravia, and her friends Natalia Ginzburg and Pier PaoloPasolini were all in different ways seeking to describe postwar desolation in spare, chastened prose. Morante was having none of it. Her own writing is more reminiscent of the fin-de-siècle grandiloquence of ...

Messages from the Mafia

Federico Varese: Berlusconi’s underworld connections, 6 January 2005

Berlusconi’s Shadow: Crime, Justice and the Pursuit of Power 
by David Lane.
Allen Lane, 336 pp., £18.99, August 2004, 0 7139 9787 7
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Silvio Berlusconi: Television, Power and Patrimony 
by Paul Ginsborg.
Verso, 189 pp., £16, June 2004, 1 84467 000 7
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... A short film directed by Pasolini in 1966, La Terra Vista dalla Luna, opens with a caption printed over a fixed image: ‘Seen from the moon, this movie . . . is nothing and has not been created by anybody . . . But since we are on planet earth, it might be better to let you know that it is a fable written by Pier PaoloPasolini ...

Ahead of the Game

Daniel Finn: The Official IRA, 7 October 2010

The Lost Revolution: The Story of the Official IRA and the Workers’ Party 
by Brian Hanley and Scott Millar.
Penguin, 658 pp., £9.99, April 2010, 978 0 14 102845 3
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... IRA: according to Hanley and Millar, Roy Johnston urged Mac Stíofáin to investigate the work of Pier PaoloPasolini, confident it would prove that Catholicism and Marxism could be brought together. Mac Stíofáin was unmoved. As relations between the British army and the nationalist population worsened, the Officials ...

Worst Birthday Cake Ever

Adam Mars-Jones: On Dominique Fernandez, 20 March 2025

Les Trois Femmes de ma vie 
by Dominique Fernandez.
Philippe Rey, 257 pp., €20, October 2024, 978 2 38482 114 3
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... to be that legal abortion deprives men of any excuse for not having sex with women. David quotes Pasolini’s dictum that in a society where everything is forbidden you can do anything, while in a society that allows only a single thing, that thing becomes compulsory. Pasolini seems to confuse the set of prohibitions that ...

Slammed by Hurricanes

Jenny Turner: Elsa Morante, 20 April 2017

The World Saved by Kids: And Other Epics 
by Elsa Morante, translated by Cristina Viti.
Seagull, 319 pp., £19.50, January 2017, 978 0 85742 379 5
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... the meaning of La Storia and the reasons for the exceptional stir.’ One of these critics was Pier PaoloPasolini, a close friend of Morante’s for two decades. The novel was good in parts, he judged (the best of it as good as The Brothers Karamazov), but overall it was a mess. The characters were mostly ...

At the Movies

Michael Wood: ‘The Gospel According to Saint Matthew’, 21 March 2013

The Gospel According to Saint Matthew 
directed by Pier PaoloPasolini.
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... Nothing in Pier PaoloPasolini’s The Gospel According to Saint Matthew quite lives up to its first few minutes, but getting anywhere near them is quite an achievement. And this static, mysterious movie, now showing at the BFI as part of a Pasolini season, becomes quite hectic at the end, as if impatient to finish, to run away from a story it now finds crowded rather than interesting ...

Literary Friction

Jenny Turner: Kathy Acker’s Ashes, 19 October 2017

After Kathy Acker: A Literary Biography 
by Chris Kraus.
Allen Lane, 352 pp., £20, August 2017, 978 1 63590 006 4
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... by Picador in February 1984. The ‘plus two’ were Great Expectations and My Death, My Life by Pier PaoloPasolini. (The current Penguin Classics edition drops both, and is remarkable for being one of few Acker books ever published to have a photo of a crop-headed young woman on the cover, except that it isn’t ...

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