Prince and Pimp
Paul Foot, 1 January 1998
The Liar: The Fall of Jonathan Aitken
by Luke Harding and David Leigh.
Penguin, 205 pp., £6.99, December 1997,0 14 027290 9 Show More
by Luke Harding and David Leigh.
Penguin, 205 pp., £6.99, December 1997,
“... of State for Defence Procurement, in January 1994. It was put to the then editor of the Guardian, Peter Preston. The words ‘we all’ referred to Aitken himself, his wife Lolicia and his faithful Arab friend Said Ayas. The answer to the question was ‘yes’. They were all bare-faced liars, but none more so than the debonair minister himself. Why did ... ”