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What Might Have Happened Upstairs

Mary Beard: Pompeii, 16 September 1999

Pompeii: Public and Private Life 
by Paul Zanker, translated by Deborah Lucas Schneider.
Harvard, 262 pp., £30.95, March 1999, 0 674 68966 6
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... space. In the Roman world hoes and hatchets might regularly have lived next to the wine servers. Paul Zanker’s Pompeii: Public and Private Life springs from the centre of these debates. Based on three separate essays originally written between 1979 and 1993, and already published in Italian and German, it inevitably captures the changing world of ...

Pompeian Group Therapy

Nora Goldschmidt, 22 September 2022

The Roman Republic of Letters: Scholarship, Philosophy and Politics in the Age of Cicero and Caesar 
by Katharina Volk.
Princeton, 400 pp., £28, January 2022, 978 0 691 19387 8
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... of state. But pinning down the ways in which the two were connected isn’t straightforward. As Paul Zanker pointed out in The Mask of Socrates (1996), neither the Greeks nor the Romans recognised ‘intellectuals’ as a defined social group. In Rome, academic and philosophical enterprises were generally coded Greek. There were no professional Roman ...

Living Death

T.J. Clark: Among the Sarcophagi, 7 January 2010

... essentially death-denying – is a topos. It crops up everywhere in the literature. The title of Paul Zanker and Björn Christian Ewald’s tremendous book on the Roman material – Mit Mythen leben (2004) – has the challenge to the present built into it, since ‘living with myth’ on the tomb reliefs, they believe, was above all a way for mourners ...

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