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Ronan Bennett, 11 February 1993

by Oriana Fallaci, translated by James Marcus.
Chatto, 599 pp., £15.99, November 1992, 0 7011 3835 1
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... Set in Beirut in the early Eighties, Oriana Fallaci’s novel opens at the moment when, on the morning of 23 October 1983, an Islamic Jihad militant drove a truck laden with explosives into the headquarters of the US contingent of the Multinational Force (MNF). A second suicide bomber attacked the French military base at the same time ...

One of Those Extremists

Seth Anziska: Golda Meir, 13 July 2023

The Only Woman in the Room: Golda Meir and Her Path to Power 
by Pnina Lahav.
Princeton, 376 pp., £28, November 2022, 978 0 691 20174 0
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... Golda and Morris never divorced. ‘I made him suffer so much,’ she told the Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci in 1972. ‘He took up a way of life that didn’t suit him because it was the kind of life that I couldn’t do without.’In 1938 Meir, by then head of the political department of the Histadrut, attended the Evian Conference, at which ...

Bush’s Useful Idiots

Tony Judt: Whatever happened to American liberalism?, 21 September 2006

... resistance to Communism, has become an outspoken admirer of the embarrassingly Islamophobic Oriana Fallaci; Václav Havel has joined the DC-based Committee on the Present Danger (a recycled Cold War-era organisation dedicated to rooting out Communists, now pledged to fighting ‘the threat posed by global radical Islamist and fascist terrorist ...

West End Boy

Adam Shatz: Breivik & Co, 20 November 2014

A Norwegian Tragedy: Anders Behring Breivik and the Massacre on Utøya 
by Aage Borchgrevink, translated by Guy Puzey.
Polity, 299 pp., £20, November 2013, 978 0 7456 7220 5
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Anders Breivik and the Rise of Islamophobia 
by Sindre Bangstad.
Zed, 286 pp., £16.99, June 2014, 978 1 78360 007 6
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... such figures as Lars Hedegaard, a prominent right-wing Danish intellectual; the Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci; the American neoconservatives Daniel Pipes, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer; and – the maître à penser of the ‘Eurabia genre’ – Gisèle Littman, a British woman of Egyptian-Jewish origin who lives in Switzerland and publishes under ...

Don’t be a Kerensky!

David Runciman: Kissinger looks for his prince, 3 December 2020

The Inevitability of Tragedy: Henry Kissinger and His World 
by Barry Gewen.
Norton, 452 pp., £22.99, April 2020, 978 1 324 00405 9
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Henry Kissinger and American Power: A Political Biography 
by Thomas Schwartz.
Hill and Wang, 548 pp., £27.99, September 2020, 978 0 8090 9537 7
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... in explaining how things were meant to work. In a notorious interview with the Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci in the run-up to the 1972 presidential election, he said the key to his ‘movie star status’ was that ‘I’ve always acted alone. Americans like that immensely. Americans like the cowboy who leads the wagon train by riding ahead alone on ...

Made by the Revolution

Perry Anderson: Mao’s Right Hand, 12 September 2024

Zhou Enlai: A Life 
by Chen Jian.
Harvard, 817 pp., £29.95, May, 978 0 674 65958 2
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... have sunk.’ Deng, who suffered less than most in the elite, held much the same view, telling Oriana Fallaci that his ‘elder brother’ did ‘many things he would have wished not to. But the people forgave him because, had he not done and said these things, he himself would not have been able to survive and play the neutralising role he did.’In ...

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