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Why so cross?

Thomas Nagel: Natural selection, 1 April 1999

Unweaving the Rainbow 
by Richard Dawkins.
Penguin, 350 pp., £20, October 1998, 9780713992144
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The Pattern of Evolution 
by Niles Eldredge.
Freeman, 225 pp., £17.95, February 1999, 0 7167 3046 4
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... popular works behind them. They also have a history of disagreement, with Dawkins on one side and Eldredge on the other. Eldredge is associated in this controversy with Stephen Jay Gould, his long-term research collaborator.* The disagreement, and the heat that it generates, are difficult for an outsider to understand, but ...

An Emotional Subject

J.Z. Young, 21 April 1983

The Myths of Human Evolution 
by Niles Eldredge and Ian Tattersall.
Columbia, 197 pp., $22.50, November 1981, 0 231 05144 1
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... the best evidence for evolutionary change comes from the sequence of fossils in layers of rocks. Eldredge and Tattersall point out that paleontologists may find nearly identical specimens separated by as much as five million years. Indeed some creatures, such as lung fishes, have hardly changed in 200 million years. This conservatism among some types is one ...

The Darwin Show

Steven Shapin, 7 January 2010

... time. But adaptationism has distinguished critics within biology departments – Richard Lewontin, Niles Eldredge and the late Stephen Jay Gould among them – and they have argued that there is a difference between asserting adaptation as a possible means of getting smoothly from evolutionary point A to point B and establishing that this is in fact how ...

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