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In and Out of the Panthéon

Thomas Laqueur: Funerals, politics and memory in France, 20 September 2001

Funerals, Politics and Memory in Modern France 1789-1996 
by Avner Ben-Amos.
Oxford, 425 pp., £55, October 2000, 0 19 820328 4
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Monumental Intolerance: Jean Baffier, a Nationalist Sculptor in Fin-de-Siècle France 
by Neil McWilliam.
Pennsylvania State, 326 pp., £58.95, November 2000, 0 271 01965 4
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... part in creating the modern secular order. Jean Baffier, the obscure Fin-de-Siècle sculptor whom Neil McWilliam resurrects in his superb study of art and lost causes, understood this power. Baffier was not a long forgotten, would-be rival of Rodin’s, although during his life the amount of public attention he received was probably second only to ...

In Cardiff

John Barrell: Richard Wilson, 25 September 2014

... to say to each other. In an essay in History Workshop Journal at the time of Solkin’s show, Neil McWilliam and Alex Potts congratulated Solkin for ‘setting to one side the well-worn art-historical discussions about the balance between naturalism and classicism in Wilson’s landscapes’. The last sentence of that first information board at ...

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