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Let Them Drown

Naomi Klein, 2 June 2016

... Edward Said​ was no tree-hugger. Descended from traders, artisans and professionals, he once described himself as ‘an extreme case of an urban Palestinian whose relationship to the land is basically metaphorical’.* In After the Last Sky, his meditation on the photographs of Jean Mohr, he explored the most intimate aspects of Palestinian lives, from hospitality to sports to home décor ...


Stephen Holmes: Naomi Klein, 8 May 2008

The Shock Doctrine 
by Naomi Klein.
Penguin, 558 pp., £8.99, June 2008, 978 0 14 102453 0
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... Seattle-style antics became anathema in an atmosphere of injured and vindictive patriotism. But Naomi Klein, the combative theorist and publicist of anti-globalisation, was not about to accept such guilt by association. Her reply, The Shock Doctrine, deals with the corporate acquisitiveness that she sees as ravaging the planet and reformulates the ...

Blood Boiling

Paul Foot: Corporate takeover, 22 February 2001

Captive State: The Corporate Takeover of Britain 
by George Monbiot.
Macmillan, 430 pp., £12.99, September 2000, 0 333 90164 9
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No Logo 
by Naomi Klein.
Flamingo, 501 pp., £8.99, January 2001, 0 00 653040 0
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... writes mainly about Britain in a terse investigative style that I had feared was out of date. Naomi Klein, based in Canada, ranges all over the world and writes infectiously with verve and passion. Again and again their themes converge. Both contemptuously reject the view, which seemed supreme after the collapse of the Berlin Wall and what used to be ...

The Four Degrees

Paul Kingsnorth: Climate Change, 23 October 2014

Don’t Even Think about It: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Ignore Climate Change 
by George Marshall.
Bloomsbury, 272 pp., £20, October 2014, 978 1 62040 133 0
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This Changes Everything: Capitalism v. The Climate 
by Naomi Klein.
Allen Lane, 576 pp., £20, September 2014, 978 1 84614 505 6
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... lovely spinach tart.”’ What will destroy this web of denial, displacement and paralysis? Enter Naomi Klein, whose latest book, This Changes Everything, aspires to ‘upend the debate’ about climate change by linking it squarely to the latest crisis of capitalism. It’s a long work, filled with original research, but it doesn’t fulfil this ...

Short Cuts

Jenny Turner: Naomi Klein, 5 October 2023

... In June​ 2021, shortly after she was kicked off Twitter, Naomi Wolf gave an interview to Rosie Kinchen of the Sunday Times. ‘She is increasingly out on a limb,’ Kinchen observed, listing Wolf’s top topics of the time, the anti-lockdown stuff and the anti-masking and the terror of ‘vaccine passports’, and noting that she had just appeared on Steve Bannon’s hard-right War Room webcast ...

How to get on in the new Iraq

Carol Brightman: James Baker’s drop-the-debt tour, 4 March 2004

... that the ideology of the Bush White House is not neo-conservatism; it’s old-fashioned greed,’ Naomi Klein said in the Guardian, and she was right. The Bush team never had a serious stake in the politics of postwar Iraq – they just didn’t want it to interfere with their geostrategic goals. ‘Plans for Post-Saddam Iraq’ was the heading on one of ...

‘You made me do it’

Jacqueline Rose, 30 November 2023

... conferring the right to determine who can justly wield power over life and death, even though, as Naomi Klein has written, the suffering of a single wounded child on either side should, surely, be enough to make the case against the violence we are witnessing in and of itself.Who suffers most? At moments over these past weeks, the struggle for a monopoly ...

A Turn for the Woowoo

Theo Tait: David Mitchell, 4 December 2014

The Bone Clocks 
by David Mitchell.
Sceptre, 595 pp., £20, September 2014, 978 0 340 92160 9
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... nicked: the post-apocalyptic world from Russell Hoban’s Riddley Walker, the political ideas from Naomi Klein and George Monbiot. As a result it’s far too cartoonish and second-hand to have any real bite: it’s like looking into a snowglobe for a deep moral message. Like Cloud Atlas, Mitchell’s sixth novel is a globe-trotting, time-travelling ...

When Capitalism Calls

Andy Beckett: The Protest Ethic by John Lloyd, 4 April 2002

The Protest Ethic: How the Anti-Globalisation Movement Challenges Social Democracy 
by John Lloyd.
Demos, 94 pp., £9.95, November 2001, 1 84180 009 0
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... wear brands even as they demonstrate against them. Its most famous manifesto of sorts, No Logo by Naomi Klein, was published by Rupert Murdoch. Yet in the era of Enron and Railtrack, of international recession and the Argentinian implosion, of uninspiring reformers, at best, in office in the rich countries, and questionable relations everywhere between ...

Trouble Transitioning

Adam Tooze: What energy transition?, 23 January 2025

More and More and More: An All-Consuming History of Energy 
by Jean-Baptiste Fressoz.
Allen Lane, 310 pp., £25, October 2024, 978 0 241 71889 6
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... one of the main reasons truly radical action on climate has been delayed. Like Nathaniel Rich and Naomi Klein, he sees the 1980s as the decade in which the opportunity for decisive early action was lost. Fressoz concludes More and More and More with a sceptical coda on recent developments. He is no fan of Green New Deals or big-push investment ...

Belgravia Cockney

Christopher Tayler: On being a le Carré bore, 25 January 2007

The Mission Song 
by John le Carré.
Hodder, 339 pp., £17.99, September 2006, 9780340921968
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... global war on terror – the passage in question was a lengthy speech in praise of ‘the Canadian Naomi Klein, India’s Arundhati Roy, who pleads for a different way of seeing, your British George Monbiot and Mark Curtis, Australia’s John Pilger, America’s Noam Chomsky’ etc. Rage blinded several reviewers to the fact that the speaker turns out to ...

Goodbye Glossies

Amy Larocca: Vogue World, 1 December 2022

A Visible Man 
by Edward Enninful.
Bloomsbury, 265 pp., £25, September 2022, 978 1 5266 4153 3
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... as the big creative contributor.Eventually he broke through, with an advertising gig for Calvin Klein – a match facilitated by the creative director Ronnie Newhouse, whose husband, Jonathan, would later give Enninful the nod at Vogue. After Calvin Klein came Dolce and Gabbana, Jil Sander, Hugo Boss, Comme des ...

We must think!

Jenny Turner: Hannah Arendt’s Islands, 4 November 2021

Hannah Arendt 
by Samantha Rose Hill.
Reaktion, 232 pp., £11.99, August 2021, 978 1 78914 379 9
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... it and always feel a bit embarrassed when Arendt tries to palm it off. Then again, I remember that Naomi Klein used to cite the work of Brad Werner, the geophysicist who in 2012 gave a talk called ‘Is Earth Fucked?’ in which ‘he talked about system boundaries, perturbations, dissipation, attractors, bifurcations’, and concluded thatglobal ...

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