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Prowled and Yowled

Blake Morrison: Kay Dick, 12 May 2022

by Kay Dick.
Faber, 107 pp., £8.99, February, 978 0 571 37086 3
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... They as a timely intervention in our own culture wars, even in respect of its title. The likes of Nadine Dorries wouldn’t recognise themselves as the enemy. But if obliged to read the novel they would find it a challenge – not because of its length (a bare hundred pages) or its politics, but because of its rebarbative form. In fact, it’s arguably ...

Trouble at the Fees Office

Jonathan Raban: Alice in Expenses Land, 11 June 2009

... it and the Fees Office which administered it seem to have got equally lost in its thickening fog. Nadine Dorries, the generally irritating member for Mid-Bedfordshire, whose ditsy personal blog was shut down by lawyers acting for the Telegraph because she was saying rude things about the Barclay brothers, told the Today programme: In my intake in 2005 ...


Chris Mullin: A report from Westminster, 25 June 2009

... to cut out and send to Gordon. It couldn’t be more blatant. 22 May. Awoke to hear the Tory MP Nadine Dorries on the radio predicting a suicide or two if the hysteria continues. The Telegraph’s revelation that I still possess a 30-year-old black and white TV has provided a little light relief. A leader in the Guardian in praise of . . . Chris ...

Carnival of Self-Harm

Tom Crewe: Good Riddance to the Tories, 20 June 2024

Haywire: A Political History of Britain since 2000 
by Andrew Hindmoor.
Allen Lane, 628 pp., £35, June, 978 0 241 65171 1
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No Way Out: Brexit from the Backstop to Boris 
by Tim Shipman.
William Collins, 698 pp., £26, April, 978 0 00 830894 0
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The Abuse of Power: Confronting Injustice in Public Life 
by Theresa May.
Headline, 368 pp., £12.99, May, 978 1 0354 0991 4
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The Conservative Party after Brexit: Turmoil and Transformation 
by Tim Bale.
Polity, 368 pp., £25, March 2023, 978 1 5095 4601 5
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Johnson at 10: The Inside Story 
by Anthony Seldon and Raymond Newell.
Atlantic, 640 pp., £12.99, April, 978 1 83895 804 6
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The Plot: The Political Assassination of Boris Johnson 
by Nadine Dorries.
HarperCollins, 336 pp., £25, November 2023, 978 0 00 862342 5
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Politics on the Edge: A Memoir from Within 
by Rory Stewart.
Vintage, 454 pp., £10.99, June, 978 1 5299 2286 8
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Ten Years to Save the West: Lessons from the Only Conservative in the Room 
by Liz Truss.
Biteback, 311 pp., £20, April, 978 1 78590 857 6
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Tory Nation: The Dark Legacy of the World’s Most Successful Political Party 
by Samuel Earle.
Simon & Schuster, 294 pp., £10.99, February, 978 1 3985 1853 7
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... to find a prime minister who has done more to damage the fabric of government.Someone should tell Nadine Dorries. Once wielding great power as Johnson’s culture secretary, she has produced a terrifyingly strange book that purports to reveal a malevolent conspiracy to remove the People’s Boris from power, led by Dominic Cummings and for the benefit of ...

Prejudice Rules

LRB Contributors: After Roe v. Wade, 21 July 2022

... efforts to erode the legal protections that exist for abortion in Britain. The Tory MPs Nadine Dorries, Jeremy Hunt and Maria Miller have all campaigned in the past to reduce the 24-week limit.UK opponents of abortion now have the wind in their sails. The course ahead is predictable. The Conservative MP Danny Kruger pointed the way when he ...

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