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At the Movies

Michael Wood: ‘The Awful Truth’, 24 May 2018

... will have to change’), is too far in the future to be a source. It’s easy to believe, as Molly Haskell suggests in her shrewd and informative introduction to the release, that The Awful Truth is ‘the greatest screwball of them all’. And that it is the greatest of the comedies of remarriage that Stanley Cavell studies in his book Pursuits of ...

Why can’t she just do as she ought?

Michael Newton: ‘Gone with the Wind’, 6 August 2009

Frankly, My Dear: ‘Gone with the Wind’ Revisited 
by Molly Haskell.
Yale, 244 pp., £16.99, March 2009, 978 0 300 11752 3
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... the film: from the tattered legend of the event something fabulously disreputable shines through. Molly Haskell’s new book reflects on that pair of American marvels, Mitchell’s novel and Selznick’s film. Frankly, My Dear forms the latest instalment of Yale’s ‘Icons of America’ series, GWTW as a subject of study joining the little red ...

Miss Lachrymose

Liz Brown: Doris Day’s Performances, 11 September 2008

Doris Day: The Untold Story of the Girl Next Door 
by David Kaufman.
Virgin, 628 pp., £29.95, June 2008, 978 1 905264 30 8
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... years since Doris Day retired from Hollywood. She lives in Carmel and has no interest in her past. Molly Haskell once described her as having an ‘almost pathological aversion to discussing her films’. In 2004, her son died of melanoma; she didn’t go to his funeral. She has spent more of her life promoting her foundations for animal welfare than she ...

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