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Who’s sorry now?

Andrew O’Hagan: Michael Finkel gets lucky, 2 June 2005

True Story: Murder, Memoir, Mea Culpa 
by Michael Finkel.
Chatto, 312 pp., £15.99, May 2005, 0 7011 7688 1
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Burning Down My Master’s House 
by Jayson Blair.
New Millennium, 288 pp., $24.95, March 2004, 9781932407266
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The Journalist and the Murderer 
by Janet Malcolm.
Granta, 163 pp., £8.99, January 2004, 1 86207 637 5
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... up our stories and in terms of feeling really bad about it afterwards. This new memoir from Michael Finkel streaks across a firmament already glittering with apologetic precedents. Stephen Glass, once a popular and ambitious young thing at the New Republic, invented email addresses and whole companies to hide his deceit, and later went on to invent ...

Short Cuts

Izzy Finkel: In the Inflation Basket, 16 February 2023

... Huge fortunes rest on the question of how and whether to fix it, which has led, in the words of Michael Forsyth, a former chair of the Economic Affairs Committee, to a ‘ridiculous merry-go-round’, with a decade of select committee hearings, consultations, independent reports and court cases attempting to balance the interests ...


Perry Anderson: After the Ottomans, 11 September 2008

... enlarge the House of Islam. The Ottoman state was founded, as its most recent historian Caroline Finkel writes, on ‘the ideal of continuous warfare’. Recognising no peers, and respecting no pieties of peaceful coexistence, it was designed for the battlefield, without territorial fixture or definition. But it was also pragmatic. From the ...

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