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Short Cuts

Michael Grayshott: Topping up the Hereditaries, 7 March 2013

... Hogg failed to gain the necessary majority of the 47 Conservative peers. The victor was Viscount Ridley, better known to some as the popular science writer and climate change sceptic Matt Ridley. He deserves to be better known still for his chairmanship of Northern Rock in the period leading up to its implosion in ...

Not an Inkling

Jerry Coyne: There’s more to life than DNA, 27 April 2000

Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters 
by Matt Ridley.
Fourth Estate, 344 pp., £8.99, February 2000, 9781857028355
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... genetics to the public. Because much of the ‘autobiography’ is still in test tubes, however, Ridley spends less time showcasing the genome project than recounting the last decade of research in human genetics. His stories are at once instructive and infuriating. For each nugget of science, Ridley also includes an error ...

Nigels against the World

Ferdinand Mount: The EU Referendum, 19 May 2016

... Obama suggested that a similar sort of treaty with the US might take ten years to negotiate. Matt Ridley, a vice-president of Vote Leave and author of The Rational Optimist, argued in the Times that trade treaties are old hat: ‘Forget treaties, almost three-quarters of British trade is already conducted without treaties anyway, under WTO ...

At the Movies

Michael Wood: ‘The Martian’, 22 October 2015

The Martian 
directed by Ridley Scott.
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... that there were no Martians to invade or be invaded by? The time setting of the story told by Ridley Scott’s The Martian is scrupulously unmentioned in the film or in the Andy Weir book it is based on, but nerdy fans have figured it out from internal evidence centring on the astral timing of Thanksgiving. It is 2035. Weir has confirmed that this is ...

The Raging Peloton

Iain Sinclair: Boris Bikes, 20 January 2011

... to polling station, bearing leaflets, carrying messages as proudly as the freshly baked loaves in Ridley Scott’s celebrated commercial, shot in 1973, on the picturesque slopes of Shaftesbury. Carl Barlow, the youth who featured in the advertisement, underscored by the slow movement of Dvorak’s Symphony No 9, arranged for brass, went on to become a fireman ...

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