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He’ll have ye smilin’

Charles Glass: Kissinger’s Duplicity, 20 October 2022

Master of the Game: Henry Kissinger and the Art of Middle East Diplomacy 
by Martin Indyk.
Knopf, 677 pp., £28, October 2021, 978 1 101 94754 8
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... an old Irish saying goes, ‘while he takes the gold out of your teeth.’In Master of the Game, Martin Indyk shows Kissinger at work before, during and after the October War, and highlights his most acclaimed achievements in its aftermath: persuading Israel to cede small patches of occupied territory and convincing Egypt and Syria to recognise the ...

Israel mows the lawn

Mouin Rabbani, 31 July 2014

... of State John Kerry explicitly blamed Israel for the breakdown in talks. His special envoy, Martin Indyk, a career Israel lobbyist, blamed Israel’s insatiable appetite for Palestinian land and continued expansion of the settlements, and handed in his resignation. The challenge this poses to Netanyahu is clear. If even the Americans are telling ...

The Israel Lobby

John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt: The Israel Lobby, 23 March 2006

... by officials with close ties to Israel or to prominent pro-Israel organisations; among them, Martin Indyk, the former deputy director of research at AIPAC and co-founder of the pro-Israel Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP); Dennis Ross, who joined WINEP after leaving government in 2001; and Aaron Miller, who has lived in Israel and ...

Constantly Dangled, Endlessly Receding

Ghada Karmi: Palestinian Rights, 5 December 2019

... in addition, they would no longer insist on the right of return. When the talks broke down, Martin Indyk, the US negotiator in charge of the process, who is usually sympathetic to Israel, laid the blame at Israel’s door, since settlement-building continued even during the talks. No negotiations have taken place since.A wiser Palestinian ...

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