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Was Carmen brainwashed?

Patrick Parrinder, 5 December 1985

Life goes on 
by Alan Sillitoe.
Granada, 517 pp., £8.95, October 1985, 0 246 12709 0
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Men and Angels 
by Mary Gordon.
Cape, 239 pp., £8.95, October 1985, 0 224 02998 3
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Heavenly Deception 
by Maggie Brooks.
Chatto, 299 pp., £8.95, October 1985, 9780701128647
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Love Always 
by Ann Beattie.
Joseph, 247 pp., £9.95, October 1985, 0 7181 2609 2
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... resolved them. The themes of voyeurism, claustrophobia and religious fervour all crop up again in Maggie Brooks’s Heavenly Deception, as does the final endorsement of parental love and responsibility: but there the analogy with Men and Angels ends. Heavenly Deception is a propaganda novel, a frankly one-sided account of how a rational and sharply ...


Clive James, 20 May 1982

... Or elsewhere during hectic nights in bed. I speak in metaphor, needless to say: Milton and Maggie you could not call lovers Save in the strictly intellectual way By which they sleep beneath the same warm covers And wake up side by side to face the day Throbbing in concert like a pair of plovers – Though Milty while he shaves sometimes talks tough And ...

It isn’t the lines

Bee Wilson: Paul Newman’s Looks, 16 February 2023

Paul Newman: The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man 
by Paul Newman, edited by David Rosenthal.
Century, 320 pp., £25, October 2022, 978 1 5291 9706 8
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The Last Movie Stars 
directed by Ethan Hawke.
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... former athlete who has turned to drink to cope with his frustration at a broken ankle. Taylor – Maggie – spends the film trying to persuade him to sleep with her again. The screenplay censored the play’s reason for Brick’s failure to sleep with Maggie (he’s gay) and at the end of the film version, they fall into ...


Alan Bennett: What I did in 2000, 25 January 2001

... about having to put on so much make-up and even more about the bore of taking it all off, Maggie Smith seems to enjoy transforming herself into Miss Shepherd, today showing me her grey mottled legs as if they are a newly completed landscape. She’s particularly pleased with the ulcers she has incorporated into the decorative scheme, displaying them ...


Ronald Bryden, 10 December 1987

The Life of Kenneth Tynan 
by Kathleen Tynan.
Weidenfeld, 407 pp., £16.95, September 1987, 9780297790822
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... of Humphrey Bogart, just seen in The Petrified Forest. His last, a New Yorker profile of Louise Brooks, reads like a farewell hymn to Aphrodite Cinematica, ageless epitome of all the girls loved over the years on thousands of silver screens. It seems to have been by way of film that he was drawn to his next love, old Broadway. As fans devour the implausible ...

No Accident

Zachary Leader: Gore Vidal’s Golden Age, 21 June 2001

The Golden Age: A Novel 
by Gore Vidal.
Little, Brown, 467 pp., £17.99, October 2000, 0 316 85409 3
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... Roosevelt, though there are cameo appearances from many others, including Adams’s brother Brooks, author of the imperialist manifesto Law of Civilisation and Decay (1895), and Henry James, as well as a passing reference to Vidal’s grandfather, Thomas Gore, Senator from Oklahoma, the first of several relations to appear in the sequence (if one ...

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