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The Saudi Lie

Madawi Al-Rasheed, 21 March 2019

... The reputation​ of Saudi Arabia in the West – never high – sank to a terrible low after 9/11, its name synonymous with terrorism, radical religious teachings, persistent gender inequality and stumbling economic development. The accession of King Salman in 2015 was cautiously welcomed but what really raised hopes that the PR nightmare could be ended was the appearance in the limelight of his son Mohammed, known as MBS ...

Bullets in the Mail

Krithika Varagur: After Khashoggi, 3 June 2021

The Son King: Reform and Repression in Saudi Arabia 
by Madawi Al-Rasheed.
Hurst, 394 pp., £20, December 2020, 978 1 78738 379 1
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... himself as a 21st-century whizzkid reformer with the help of some fawning press coverage. Madawi al-Rasheed, a Saudi academic-activist who has lived in London for decades, is the pre-eminent Anglophone scholar of the kingdom. The Khashoggi affair illuminated the nature of the Saudi regime – modernising yet repressive, profligate with power ...

In Princes’ Pockets

Tariq Ali: Saudi Oil, 19 July 2007

America’s Kingdom: Mythmaking on the Saudi Oil Frontier 
by Robert Vitalis.
Stanford, 353 pp., £19.50, November 2006, 0 8047 5446 2
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Contesting the Saudi State: Islamic Voices from a New Generation 
by Madawi Al-Rasheed.
Cambridge, 308 pp., £19.99, November 2006, 0 521 85836 4
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... oil-producing Eastern province. In Contesting the Saudi State, the London-based Saudi historian Madawi Al-Rasheed argues that the defeat of 1818 taught the Wahhabis the art of survival. This entailed the adoption of more pragmatic policies, i.e. straightforward political opportunism. For literalists this could not have been easy. One of Muhammad’s ...

The Saudi Trillions

Malise Ruthven, 7 September 2017

... puts it, ‘they would fare even worse under Islamists than they would under the royal family.’ Madawi al-Rasheed, a leading historian of the kingdom, writes that ‘the regime sees the perverse benefit of attacks on Shia worshippers by radical Sunni groups’: such attacks allow it to present itself ‘as the best protector of the Shia’, since the ...

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