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Ethnic Cleansers

Stephen Smith, 8 October 1992

Four Hours in My Lai: A War Crime and its Aftermath 
by Michael Bilton and Kevin Sim.
Viking, 430 pp., £17.99, May 1992, 0 670 83233 2
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Tiger Balm: Travels in Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia 
by Lucretia Stewart.
Chatto, 261 pp., £10.99, June 1992, 0 7011 3892 0
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... resurgent spirit of the Vietnamese, and indeed to its authors. On her travels in South-East Asia, Lucretia Stewart visited the scene of the crime committed by Charlie Company, and fell to contemplating the wiles of the Americans’ adversary. ‘Like a dangerous wild animal, the only trace was his lethal spoor,’ she writes, in what appears to be a ...

Cradles in the Portego

Nicholas Penny: Renaissance Venice, 5 January 2006

The New Palaces of Medieval Venice 
by Juergen Schulz.
Pennsylvania State, 368 pp., £61.50, July 2004, 0 271 02351 1
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Private Lives in Renaissance Venice 
by Patricia Fortini Brown.
Yale, 312 pp., £35, October 2004, 0 300 10236 4
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... silk dress that must be very like the one in Lotto’s painting of a woman holding a drawing of Lucretia in the National Gallery in London. The Condulmers were patricians – there had been a pope in the family a couple of centuries earlier – and Fortini Brown illustrates a painting of their coat of arms, which is mentioned on several occasions in the ...

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