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Pea Soup and a Boiled Egg

Thomas Jones: Luce d’Eramo, 15 August 2019

by Luce d’Eramo, translated by Anne Milano Appel.
Pushkin, 347 pp., £20, January 2019, 978 1 78227 388 2
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... Luce d’Eramo​ escaped from Dachau in October 1944. Part of a work crew that was transported into Munich every day to clean the sewers, she slipped away one afternoon during an air raid, running from one doorway or alley to the next as light snow fell on the city. Ditching her rubber work clothes, she hid first in a railway siding, then made her way to an air-raid shelter to lose herself in the crowd, before ending up at the Labour Bureau’s transit camp, ‘where foreigners stay while awaiting a new job or repatriation ...

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