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John Kerrigan: Scotland’s Erasure, 10 October 2024

England’s Insular Imagining: The Elizabethan Erasure of Scotland 
by Lorna Hutson.
Cambridge, 323 pp., £30, November 2023, 978 1 009 25357 4
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... the Scottish Reformation of 1560 and growing co-operation between English and Scottish Protestants.Lorna Hutson throws these decades into relief in England’s Insular Imagining. English ambitions to control and incorporate Scotland led to incursions that have been forgotten, she argues, because of the later, more united history of the island. The 16th ...

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Emma Smith: Shipwrecked in Illyria, 16 February 2023

... The Tempest on its way home from a wedding in Moorish North Africa. These are the kinds of detail Lorna Hutson identified in Circumstantial Shakespeare (2015) as the crucial topics of time, place and motive from which Shakespeare builds his human dramaturgy. And here they are absent. While we don’t hear about the sea voyage in detail, the play has a ...

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