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Anxiety of Influx

Tony Tanner, 18 February 1982

Plotting the Golden West: American Literature and the Rhetoric of the California Trail 
by Stephen Fender.
Cambridge, 241 pp., £15, January 1982, 0 521 23924 9
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Witnesses to a Vanishing America: The 19th-Century Response 
by Lee ClarkMitchell.
Princeton, 320 pp., £10.70, July 1981, 9780691064611
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... before it could be experienced and described.’ This fear – this story – is documentated by Lee ClarkMitchell, who is concerned with different phases of the various ‘preservationist’ efforts which took place in America in the 19th century. As is not unusual during imperialist movements, conquest led to a ...

Steaming Torsos

J. Hoberman, 6 February 1997

Westerns: Making the Man in Fiction and Film 
by Lee ClarkMitchell.
Chicago, 352 pp., £23.95, November 1996, 0 226 53234 8
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... in countercultural terms and Richard Slotkin’s vast Gunfighter Nation is haunted by Vietnam. Lee ClarkMitchell’s elegantly written Westerns: Making the Man in Fiction and Film includes among its introductory epigrams Henry Kissinger’s 1972 comparison of himself with the Lone Ranger but, as befits the ...

Change at MoMA

Hal Foster, 7 November 2019

... and this reanimation is charged by the female company they now keep, once overlooked peers such as Lee Krasner and Joan Mitchell. At the same time, in these bigger spaces the Minimalist installations by Donald Judd, Dan Flavin and others fail to pressure the ambient architecture as they once did. Such work looks classic in ...

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