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Do you Floss?

Lawrence Lessig: The sharing economy, 18 August 2005

The Success of Open Source 
by Steven Weber.
Harvard, 312 pp., £19.95, August 2004, 0 674 01292 5
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Democratising Innovation 
by Eric von Hippel.
MIT, 208 pp., £19.95, May 2005, 0 262 00274 4
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... In an increasingly remote region of cyberspace called USENET, a highly committed group of volunteers works to help people they’ve never met with computer problems. These problems might be simple; some are quite complex. Yet these volunteers spend many hours helping lost cyber-souls find digital salvation. In this particular space, there are more than two million contributors a year, with more than forty thousand making more than 36 annual contributions, and about eight hundred making contributions just about all the time ...

Commencing Demagogues and Ending Tyrants

Colin Kidd: What’s wrong with the electoral college, 24 October 2024

How to Steal a Presidential Election 
by Lawrence Lessig and Matthew Seligman.
Yale, 162 pp., £25, April, 978 0 300 27079 2
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... phenomenon of ‘faithless electors’ provides one of the openings that, according to Lawrence Lessig and Matthew Seligman, can be used to thwart the democratic will. In How to Steal a Presidential Election they outline the dizzyingly complicated procedures – for the most part, legal loopholes – that unscrupulous MAGA Republicans could ...


John Lanchester: Online Goodies, 25 April 2002

... but it seems to me an entirely good thing that this issue is being fought out in public there. Lawrence Lessig, a Stanford law professor who is a bit of a hero in the field of Internet law, contends that an extension of copyright to 70 posthumous years is not in the public interest, and has written a book to argue so, called The Future of Ideas.* In ...

Dialling for Dollars

Deborah Friedell: Corruption in America, 19 March 2015

Corruption in America: From Benjamin Franklin’s Snuff Box to Citizens United 
by Zephyr Teachout.
Harvard, 376 pp., £22.95, October 2014, 978 0 674 05040 2
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... cent’ of her time raising money. One of the leaders of the campaign finance reform movement is Lawrence Lessig, who teaches law at Harvard and created a ‘SuperPac to end all SuperPacs, including this one’ to raise money for sympathetic congressional candidates. He supported Teachout in the race against Cuomo, and has proposed a system he calls ...

Just about Anything You Want

Ben Jackson: Guerrilla Open Access, 6 October 2016

The Boy Who Could Change the World: The Writings of Aaron Swartz 
by Aaron Swartz.
Verso, 368 pp., £15.99, February 2016, 978 1 78478 496 6
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... they were dealing with a teenager. His lack of deference helped to open doors. At 15, he emailed Lawrence Lessig, a law professor at Stanford, with a list of suggestions for how to write the code for Creative Commons. ‘Good idea,’ Lessig responded. ‘Why don’t you do that for us?’ Swartz had been at the ...

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