I feel sorry for sex
Erin Maglaque: Lauren Berlant’s Maximalism, 18 May 2023
On the Inconvenience of Other People
by Lauren Berlant.
Duke, 238 pp., £21.99, September 2022,978 1 4780 1845 2 Show More
by Lauren Berlant.
Duke, 238 pp., £21.99, September 2022,
“... In academia,’ Lauren Berlant wrote, ‘reputation is gossip about who had the ideas.’ Berlant had all the good ones: about sentimentality in American culture; about the place of sex and intimacy in public life; about what it feels like to live in a fraying world. Berlant taught English at Chicago from 1984 until their death in 2021 (Berlant used the non-binary pronoun in professional life ... ”