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I dive under the covers

Sheila Heti: Mad Wives, 6 June 2013

by Kate Zambreno.
Semiotext(e), 309 pp., £12.95, November 2012, 978 1 58435 114 6
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... In 2009 Kate Zambreno went to live in Akron, Ohio, the sort of place you only choose if the situation is desperate. She was there because her husband had been hired to ‘curate and organise a small collection of rare books at the university … the gift of a rubber industrialist’. Friends asked why they’d made this uninspiring move ...

None of it is your material

Madeleine Schwartz: What Zelda Did, 18 April 2019

Save Me the Waltz 
by Zelda Fitzgerald.
Handheld Press, 268 pp., £12.99, January 2019, 978 1 9998280 4 2
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... her art came out of her illness, not her brilliance, so much so that she really became ill,’ Kate Zambreno wrote in her book Heroines. Zelda, she notes, was treated at the same Paris clinc as Vivien Eliot and shared a ballet teacher with Lucia Joyce. All three women lost their minds in the shadow of recognised genius. There’s a lingering ...

If you’re not a lesbian, get the hell out

Lidija Haas: Jane Bowles, 25 April 2013

Everything Is Nice: Collected Stories, Sketches and Plays 
by Jane Bowles.
Sort Of, 416 pp., £10.99, December 2012, 978 1 908745 15 6
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... that it was the last story she ever finished, in 1949. In Heroines, her manifesto cum memoir, Kate Zambreno identifies with Bowles as one of the ‘erased’ or neglected ‘mad wives of modernism’, all forced into a similar ‘rhythm’: ‘a long scream followed by absolute silence’. It’s true that the second half of Dillon’s biography ...

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