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No Dose for It at the Chemist

Helen Thaventhiran: William James’s Prescriptions, 24 October 2024

Be Not Afraid of Life: In the Words of William James 
by William James, edited by John Kaag and Jonathan vanBelle.
Princeton, 387 pp., £25, January 2023, 978 0 691 24015 2
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William James, MD: Philosopher, Psychologist, Physician 
by Emma K. Sutton.
Chicago, 251 pp., £24, December 2023, 978 0 226 82898 5
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... such titles as ‘Is Life Worth Living?’ and ‘What Makes a Life Significant’.John Kaag and Jonathan vanBelle’s book is an anthology of these writings, from a letter James wrote when at Harvard Medical School in the 1860s to ‘A Pluralistic Mystic’, an argument against rationalising away mystical ...

Pink and Bare

Bee Wilson: Nicole Kidman, 8 February 2007

Nicole Kidman 
by David Thomson.
Bloomsbury, 311 pp., £18.99, September 2006, 0 7475 7710 2
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... Ryan turned down the chance to earn $5 million to star in a little film called To Die For, a Gus Van Sant picture about a murderously ambitious small-town TV presenter. The script tells the story of Suzanne, a terrifyingly perky TV weathergirl, who becomes convinced that she must kill her useless husband (Matt Dillon) if her career is to go anywhere. Meg ...

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