Goldthorpe, Halsey and Social Class
Edmund Leach, 20 March 1980
Social Mobility and Class Structure in Modern Britain
by John Goldthorpe.
Oxford, 310 pp., £12, January 1980,0 19 827239 1 Show More
by John Goldthorpe.
Oxford, 310 pp., £12, January 1980,
Origins and Destinations: Family, Class and Education in Modern Britain
by A.H. Halsey.
Oxford, 240 pp., £14, January 1980,0 19 827224 3 Show More
by A.H. Halsey.
Oxford, 240 pp., £14, January 1980,
“... I refer to the first of these items as ‘Goldthorpe’ and to the second as ‘Halsey’. Both are productions of the Oxford (Social) Mobility Project, a large collaborative exercise which has operated from a base in Nuffield College since 1969. For a long while, politicians and other interested parties are likely to cite them as authoritative sources, but in order to evaluate what is being said, the reader must penetrate a thick layer of mind-boggling numerical tabulations and pseudo-vector diagrams to the egalitarian value schema which lies beneath ... ”