Stephen Bann, 2 October 1980
Narrative Discourse
by Gérard Genette, translated by Jane Lewin.
Blackwell, 285 pp., £9.95, June 1980,0 631 10981 1 Show More
by Gérard Genette, translated by Jane Lewin.
Blackwell, 285 pp., £9.95, June 1980,
“... To judge by our literary periodicals, something is in the air this summer. The forbidding term ‘Deconstruction’, formerly whispered behind closed doors, has been flung to and fro in the public arena. British readers who had mildly hoped that the ‘challenge of Structuralism’ would simply vanish of its own accord have awoken to find a more formidably astringent dogma hotly disputed in Paris and in Yale ... ”