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Short Cuts

Thomas Jones: Flirtation, Seduction and Betrayal, 5 September 2002

... works against shifting the maximum number of copies (or, for that matter, pleasing your editor). Jane Ennis, the editor of Now, has unabashedly gone after as big a readership as possible, admitting in a recent interview: ‘I don’t have any natural interest in celebrities at all . . . I don’t care if my subject is caravans, celebrities or the birth ...

Poker Face

Eric Hobsbawm: Palmiro Togliatti, 8 April 2010

Palmiro Togliatti: A Biography 
by Aldo Agosti, translated by Vanna Derosas and Jane Ennis.
Tauris, 339 pp., £51.50, 1 84511 726 3
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Il sarto di Ulm: Una possibile storia del PCI 
by Lucio Magri.
Il Saggiatore, 454 pp., €21, October 2009, 978 88 428 1608 9
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... The history of the 20th-century Communist movements that never acquired state power has been overshadowed by the extraordinary story of the rise and fall or self-transformation of the regimes inspired by the October Revolution. Within little more than 30 years of Lenin’s arrival at the Finland Station, Russia had become a superpower, and one third of humanity was ruled by Communist parties ...

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