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Tomboy Grudge

Claire Harman, 27 February 1992

Rose Macaulay: A Writer’s Life 
by Jane Emery.
Murray, 381 pp., £25, June 1991, 0 7195 4768 7
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... she can’t properly be said to have left home at all: home left her in 1925 when her mother died. Jane Emery is unemphatic about the hold Grace Macaulay seems to have had on her seven offspring, none of whom married or had children of their own. There is evidence that she was ‘savage’, and probably sadistic, towards her fourth daughter, Eleanor, who ...

Bring me the good scrub

Clare Bucknell: ‘Birnam Wood’, 4 May 2023

Birnam Wood 
by Eleanor Catton.
Granta, 423 pp., £20, March, 978 1 78378 425 7
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... choices or avoidance manoeuvres on the part of its protagonists. Catton has said that her work on Jane Austen’s Emma (she wrote the screenplay for the 2020 film adaptation) influenced Birnam Wood’s structure: it emulates the Austen mode in which ‘everything is narration, everything is driving forward the consciousness of the characters.’ What’s ...

Lily and Lolly

Sarah Rigby, 18 July 1996

The Yeats Sisters: A Biography of Susan and Elizabeth Yeats 
by Joan Hardwick.
Pandora, 263 pp., £8.99, January 1996, 0 04 440924 9
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... by croup. In 1874 John Yeats took his family away from the Pollexfens to London. A sixth child, Jane, was born the following year, on Jack’s fourth birthday, but died within months. Five years later, when money was very short, Jack was sent to Sligo, to be brought up by his grandparents. When Susan Yeats died on 3 January 1900, her daughters were in their ...

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