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Baseball’s Loss

Geoffrey Hawthorn: The Unstoppable Hugo Chávez, 1 November 2007

Pirates of the Caribbean: Axis of Hope 
by Tariq Ali.
Verso, 244 pp., £14.99, November 2006, 9781844671021
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Democracy and Revolution: Latin America and Socialism Today 
by D.L. Raby.
Pluto, 280 pp., £18.99, July 2006, 0 7453 2436 3
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Venezuela: Hugo Chavez’s Revolution, Latin America Report No. 19 
by International Crisis Group.
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... In Venezuela at the end of June, Evo Morales, Hugo Chávez and Diego Maradona, three heroes of the people in Latin America, kicked off the Copa América. Morales, pleased with his dribbling, kept possession for rather longer than might have been thought polite. When he passed, Chávez, instinctive politician that he is, at once flicked the ball on to the feet of the Hand of God ...

Short Cuts

Thomas Jones: Bad Manners, 6 July 2000

... who, we understand, is to review Richard Gott’s new book, In the Shadow of the Liberator: Hugo Chávez and the Transformation of Venezuela (Verso, 246 pp., £16, 1 July, 1 85984 775 7) for the New Statesman. Again, it has not gone unnoticed at the LRB that ‘Robin Blackburn at Verso’ (together, by some coincidence, with Tariq Ali) tops ...


Daniel Soar: Benjamin Kunkel, 5 January 2006

by Benjamin Kunkel.
Picador, 241 pp., £12.99, November 2005, 0 330 44456 5
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... a question. Here he is in an early conversation with a room-mate: Sanch said: ‘Yeah man fucking Hugo Chávez drinks sixteen espressos a day. And that’s after his staff weaned him down from twenty-four.’ ‘Amazing!’ I was really impressed with this man. ‘Who is Hugo Chávez?’ ‘He’s, like, a ...

Resistance Is Surrender

Slavoj Žižek: What to Do about Capitalism, 15 November 2007

... government policy – will be possible also in Iraq!’ It is striking that the course on which Hugo Chávez has embarked since 2006 is the exact opposite of the one chosen by the postmodern Left: far from resisting state power, he grabbed it (first by an attempted coup, then democratically), ruthlessly using the Venezuelan state apparatuses to promote ...

The Battle for Venezuela

Tony Wood, 21 February 2019

... made by most of the population between the mid-2000s and the time roughly when Maduro succeeded Hugo Chávez as president in April 2013. There has been a wave of emigration spanning the social spectrum: by November 2018, the UNHCR estimated that as many as three million had left the country, with 80 per cent of them now scattered across Latin America ...

Robinson’s Footprints

Richard Gott: Hugo Chávez and the Venezuelan Revolution, 17 February 2000

... there would be a majority for the ‘yes’ campaign, which was led by the popular and charismatic Hugo Chávez, the former Army colonel who had been elected President a year earlier. The only question was the size of the turnout, which might be affected by bad weather. Venezuelans had already been called out to vote five times since November 1998, and ...

Down from the Mountain

Greg Grandin: What Happened to Venezuela?, 29 June 2017

ChávezMy First Life 
by Hugo Chávez and Ignacio Ramonet, translated by Ann Wright.
Verso, 544 pp., £30, August 2016, 978 1 78478 383 9
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... trying to find a way out of the neoliberal straitjacket.But Venezuela was the first. In 1992 Hugo Chávez, a career army officer, had helped lead a military revolt. The revolt failed and landed him in jail even as it catapulted him to hero status. He was seen by many, especially among the growing number of impoverished Venezuelans, as an outsider ...

Short Cuts

Deborah Friedell: The Freedom Caucus, 16 November 2023

... have a software system that is used all around the country that is suspect because it came from Hugo Chávez in Venezuela, when you have testimonials of people that like this, but in large numbers, it begs to be litigated and investigated.Never mind that Chávez has been dead for ten years.In 2020, Johnson persuaded ...

At the Movies

Michael Wood: ‘The Dictator’, 7 June 2012

The Dictator 
directed by Larry Charles.
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... ruler of the state of Wadiya, and effectively a version of Colonel Gaddafi with odd elements of Hugo Chávez thrown in, hopes he will be listed in history alongside the men he calls the great dictators: Gaddafi himself, Saddam, Kim Jong Il, Cheney. In fact the movie opens with a similar line, and had the audience in the cinema I was in laughing before ...

Short Cuts

Eyal Weizman: Arafat’s Tomb, 9 January 2014

... who died in debatable circumstances. Bolívar’s televised exhumation in 2010 was orchestrated by Hugo Chávez, who wanted to prove that Colombian oligarchs had poisoned the liberator of Latin America. In 2011 in Chile, Salvador Allende was exhumed at the request of state prosecutors to ascertain whether the two bullet holes in his skull were ...

Short Cuts

Thomas Jones: Diego! Diego!, 17 December 2020

... was close to several Latin American leftist leaders in his later years: not only Castro but also Hugo Chávez and Evo Morales, and he spoke out against the coup in Bolivia a year ago.I happened to be in La Paz on 11 July 1995, the night Bolivia unexpectedly beat the USA 1-0 in the Copa América in Uruguay. As they celebrated in the streets, no one ...

Bad Times

Andy Beckett: Travels with Tariq Ali, 20 February 2025

You Can’t Please All: Memoirs 1980-2024 
by Tariq Ali.
Verso, 799 pp., £35, November 2024, 978 1 80429 090 3
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... cover the left’s revival as a governing force in South America, and in particular the rule of Hugo Chávez, president of Venezuela from 1999 until his death in 2013. ‘What appealed was his bluntness and courage,’ writes Ali with uncharacteristic gushiness. ‘Chávez lit up the political ...

It’s the Oil

Jim Holt: Iraq’s Lucrative Mess, 18 October 2007

... opening the Iraqi oil spigot for as long as necessary (perhaps taking down Venezuela’s oil-cocky Hugo Chávez into the bargain). And think of the United States vis-à-vis China. As a consequence of our trade deficit, around a trillion dollars’ worth of US denominated debt (including $400 billion in US Treasury bonds) is held by China. This gives ...

Ready for a Rematch

Michael Byers: The Bushes and Saddam Hussein, 8 February 2001

... and require difficult negotiations with Opec leaders, including the increasingly unpredictable Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. As seen from the White House, a war against Iraq is a good energy policy, especially because it would be unlikely to provoke sustained objections from other countries. Neither Europe – where the British Government is expected to play ...

Don’t do what Allende did

Greg Grandin: Allende, 19 July 2012

Allende’s Chile and the Inter-American Cold War 
by Tanya Harmer.
North Carolina, 375 pp., £38.95, October 2011, 978 0 8078 3495 4
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... pledging to overturn neoliberalism to promising to administer it more effectively. In Venezuela, Hugo Chávez drew a different lesson from the defeat of the Popular Unity government. Soon after he was elected president in 1998, before coming out as a confrontationalist, indeed before he even identified himself as a socialist, ...

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