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J.D.F. Jones: Novels on South Africa, 11 November 1999

by Giles Foden.
Faber, 366 pp., £9.99, September 1999, 0 571 19733 7
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Manly Pursuits 
by Ann Harries.
Bloomsbury, 340 pp., £15.99, March 1999, 0 7475 4293 7
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... South African publisher would have taken the anniversary as an excuse to reprint them. Instead, Giles Foden and Ann Harries have produced new examples of the genre. In his first novel, The Last King of Scotland, Foden brilliantly re-created the Uganda of General Amin, portrayed with increasing horror through the eyes ...

Pay Attention, Class

Robert Hanks: Giles Foden, 10 September 2009

by Giles Foden.
Faber, 353 pp., £16.99, June 2009, 978 0 571 20522 6
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... constitutes Good Writing (and not enough time spent on the writing itself) might be bad for them? Giles Foden’s first two novels, The Last King of Scotland, about Idi Amin’s Uganda, and the Boer War-set Ladysmith, seemed, though far from flawless, almost effortlessly distinctive and intelligent; and while his third, the self-consciously ...

Short Cuts

Thomas Jones: New Writing, 8 March 2001

... back in November. He was, however, claimed as Robert Browning’s equal in a peculiar article by Giles Foden that appeared in the Guardian in February, in which Foden talked, hilariously, about Eminem’s ‘oeuvre’. There have, more recently, been some letters to the Independent debating the rapper’s similarities ...

So-so Skinny Latte

James Francken: Giles Foden’s Zanzibar, 19 September 2002

by Giles Foden.
Faber, 389 pp., £12.99, September 2002, 0 571 20512 7
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... author interviews once more: ‘business,’ he concedes, ‘is business.’ The publication of Giles Foden’s impressive third novel – which centres on al-Qaida’s role in the 1998 US Embassy bombing in Tanzania – could never have been that straightforward: the events of last September might easily have derailed his project. Zanzibar includes a ...

Number One Id

Hilary Mantel: Idi Amin (Dada), 19 March 1998

The Last King of Scotland 
by Giles Foden.
Faber, 330 pp., £9.99, March 1998, 0 571 17916 9
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... To perceive Amin as something more than a fugitive wraith, or a sick joke, you must turn to Giles Foden’s first novel. Its title suggests the endless scope for macabre comedy that Amin provides. As a former soldier in the British Army, he had done part of his training in Stirling, and admired the Scottish officers he had met; he understood the ...

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