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For Every Winner a Loser

John Lanchester: What is finance for?, 12 September 2024

The Fund: Ray Dalio, Bridgewater Associates and the Unravelling of a Wall Street Legend 
by Rob Copeland.
Macmillan, 352 pp., £22, August, 978 1 5290 7560 1
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The Trading Game: A Confession 
by Gary Stevenson.
Allen Lane, 432 pp., £25, March, 978 0 241 63660 2
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... at the work of ‘finance’, meaning gambling. It is a shocking but not surprising book, because Gary Stevenson’s account is essentially identical to the one critical outsiders gave of the banking system in the wake of the global financial crisis. It is especially shocking since much of Stevenson’s story is not ...

Out Hunting

Gary Younge: In Baltimore, 29 July 2021

We Own This City: A True Story of Crime, Cops and Corruption in an American City 
by Justin Fenton.
Faber, 335 pp., £14.99, February, 978 0 571 35661 4
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... man with a backpack getting into a van. The van was being driven by a drug dealer called Oreese Stevenson; inside, they found $21,500 and half a kilo of cocaine. Jenkins took Stevenson’s keys and went to his house, where he found guns, more cocaine and bags of money. He didn’t have a search warrant. He called a ...

The Man in the Clearing

Iain Sinclair: Meeting Gary Snyder, 24 May 2012

... mortality and memory. ‘Nature is not a place to visit,’ the man says, ‘it is home.’ He is Gary Snyder, poet, bioregionalist, teacher. Having bought out his early partners, Allen Ginsberg and Dick Baker, he is the sole proprietor of this estate, a hundred acres of manzanita thickets, with open stretches of ponderosa pine, black ...

Martinique in Burbank

David Thomson: Bogart and Bacall, 19 October 2023

Bogie and Bacall: The Surprising True Story of Hollywood’s Greatest Love Affair 
by William J. Mann.
HarperCollins, 634 pp., £35, August, 978 0 06 302639 1
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... wife. Hawks had never worked with Bogart before; his favourite actors had been Cary Grant and Gary Cooper. But he understood that To Have and Have Not would be a Bogie picture. He had an idea that the romantic interest might be a girl half Bogart’s age, somehow stranded in Martinique, but living on her wits and dressed in cool clothes, with a precocious ...
... South between 1877 and 1950. For almost two decades the EJI and its executive director, Bryan Stevenson, have been fighting against the racial inequities of the American criminal justice system, and their legal trench warfare has met with considerable success in the Supreme Court. This legal work continues. But in 2012 the organisation decided to devote ...

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