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Where Life Is Seized

Adam Shatz: Frantz Fanon’s Revolution, 19 January 2017

Écrits sur l’aliénation et la liberté 
by Frantz Fanon, edited by Robert Young and Jean Khalfa.
La Découverte, 688 pp., £22, October 2015, 978 2 7071 8638 6
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... of France, who feel as if the Battle of Algiers never ended, but simply moved to the cités: Frantz Fanon has been remembered in a lot of ways, but almost all of them have foregrounded his advocacy of resistance, especially violent resistance. Fanon was not a pacifist, but the emphasis on his belief in violence ...

To Own Whiteness

Musab Younis, 10 February 2022

Nice Racism 
by Robin DiAngelo.
Allen Lane, 224 pp., £17.99, June 2021, 978 0 241 51935 6
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Me and White Supremacy 
by Layla Saad.
Quercus, 242 pp., £14.99, January 2020, 978 1 5294 0510 1
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Do Better 
by Rachel Ricketts.
Gallery, 383 pp., £16.99, February 2021, 978 1 3985 0345 8
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What White People Can Do Next 
by Emma Dabiri.
Penguin, 176 pp., £7.99, April 2021, 978 0 14 199673 8
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... far, minimising racism’s psychic dimensions. There is more than one way to think about racism. Frantz Fanon was preoccupied with the physical and psychological experiences of people living under colonial domination. He used his own experiences as a basis for his work, notably – in Black Skin, White Masks – elaborating a phenomenological account of ...

Madmen and Specialists

Anthony Appiah, 7 September 1995

Colonial Psychiatry and the ‘African Mind’ 
by Jock McCulloch.
Cambridge, 185 pp., £35, January 1995, 0 521 45330 5
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... this absorbing book, Jock McCulloch, the author of a study of the psychiatric and social theory of Frantz Fanon, turns his attention to the development of the small field of colonial ethnopsychiatry, concentrating largely on the British colonics of Kenya, Nyasaland and the Rhodesias, North and South, and on the related work of mental hospitals in South ...

Short Cuts

Sadiah Qureshi: Black History, 22 November 2018

... and, more rarely, Judith Butler. But how many are also required to read Audre Lorde, Stuart Hall, Frantz Fanon, Jasbir Puar, Sara Ahmed, Kim TallBear or Kimberlé Crenshaw? What if these writers were required reading for everyone? Present curricula assume that white men write about universal truths, while people of colour are only expert in a narrow ...

‘I am my own foundation’

Megan Vaughan: Fanon and Third Worldism, 18 October 2001

Frantz FanonA Life 
by David Macey.
Granta, 640 pp., £12.99, September 2001, 1 86207 458 5
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... an official anything might be thought permissible.’ We can be reasonably certain that Frantz Fanon had never heard of Benoît Giraud, whose traces are buried in the archives of 18th-century Mauritius. But there are striking similarities between the histories of the two men, two hundred years apart. In his biography, David Macey traces ...

Knife at the Throat

T.J. Clark: Fanon’s Contradictions, 26 September 2024

The Rebel’s Clinic: The Revolutionary Lives of Frantz Fanon 
by Adam Shatz.
Apollo, 464 pp., £25, January, 978 1 0359 0004 6
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... Frantz Fanon​ is a thing of the past. It doesn’t take long, reading the story of his life – the Creole childhood in Martinique, volunteering to fight for the Free French in the Second World War, his career in Lyon as arrogant young psychiatrist, the part he played in the war in Algeria, the encounters with Nkrumah and Lumumba, his death at the age of 36 – to realise that his is a voice coming to us from a vanished world ...

Breath of Unreason

Megan Vaughan: Fanon’s Psychiatric Hospital, 31 July 2008

Colonial Madness: Psychiatry in French North Africa 
by Richard Keller.
Chicago, 294 pp., £16, June 2007, 978 0 226 42973 1
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... In 1953, Frantz Fanon took over as director of the Hôpital Psychiatrique de Blida-Joinville in Algeria. It is said that Fanon’s first act on taking charge of this overcrowded colonial hospital, in which electroconvulsive therapy was liberally dispensed and lobotomies regularly performed, was to unchain the patients ...

At the Musée de l’Homme

Stefanos Geroulanos: ‘Prehistomania’, 9 May 2024

... intellectuals, from Léopold Sédar Senghor (‘Frobenius has given us back our dignity!’) to Frantz Fanon and Kwame Nkrumah, who saw him as a champion of the originality of African culture.Breuil, who confirmed the authenticity of the Altamira and Lascaux caves, spent six decades making them famous, and became extremely famous himself. The ...


Jeremy Harding, 20 February 2025

... Jakob van Hoddis, Ernst Bloch’s reflections on ‘anxiety’ and the polemical works of Frantz Fanon. Another, by JoAnn Wypijewski, published in 2017, is a free-ranging look at Trump’s appeal and the people who voted for him first time around. It’s unusual for NLR editorialists to posit an ‘echt supporter’ of any presidential candidate ...

On Albert Memmi

Adam Shatz, 13 August 2020

... heroism), and its sense of tragedy. Born in 1920, between the poet Aimé Césaire (1913) and Frantz Fanon (1925), Memmi shared their opposition to colonial domination and took part in the anti-colonial struggle. But unlike Césaire and Fanon, whose writing celebrated revolt, Memmi saw little poetry or utopian ...

The Project

O.A. Westad: The Downtrodden Majority, 24 January 2008

The Darker Nations: A People’s History of the Third World 
by Vijay Prashad.
New Press, 364 pp., £16.99, January 2007, 978 1 56584 785 9
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... of upsetting visitors from less fortunate nations. Those who pioneered the expression, such as Frantz Fanon, would no doubt have become even more attached to the principle of violence if they had known how their cherished project had been enfeebled by soi-disant radicals in the name of political correctness. ...

Where Does He Come From?

Sanjay Subrahmanyam: Placing V.S. Naipaul, 1 November 2007

A Writer’s People: Ways of Looking and Feeling 
by V.S. Naipaul.
Picador, 193 pp., £16.99, September 2007, 978 0 330 48524 1
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... bigoted. He is portrayed as a self-hater and Uncle Tom, a product of the sorts of complex that Frantz Fanon diagnosed. On the other side are the conservative writers – those who might see Ayaan Hirsi Ali as a major intellectual figure – who celebrate Naipaul as an original voice, a writer who provides a searing, politically incorrect indictment of ...


Zoë Heller: Ronald Reagan, 2 March 2000

Dutch: A Memoir of Ronald Reagan 
by Edmund Morris.
HarperCollins, 874 pp., £24.99, October 1999, 0 00 217709 9
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... National Convention. He hangs out with Tom Hayden, introduces the Black Panthers to the work of Frantz Fanon, and becomes Michelangelo Antonioni’s personal guide to the counter-culture. Eventually he joins the Weathermen and ‘drops out’. The last ‘Morris’ hears from his son is an unsigned telegram, that says, simply: ‘GONE ...

Short Cuts

Raphael Cormack: Could it be the Muhammad Ali?, 19 May 2016

... X, Richard Wright, Martin Luther King, Adam Clayton Powell, George Padmore, C.L.R. James and more. Frantz Fanon wrote much of The Wretched of the Earth in Ghana, and the year before Ali’s visit, W.E.B. DuBois died and was buried in Accra. In February 1964 Cassius Clay beat Sonny Liston to become world heavyweight champion and soon after that announced ...

Against Independence

Musab Younis: Decolonisation, 29 June 2017

Freedom Time: Negritude, Decolonisation and the Future of the World 
by Gary Wilder.
Duke, 400 pp., £23.99, January 2015, 978 0 8223 5850 3
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... in the Caribbean that never decolonised. Martinique – the birthplace of Aimé Césaire and Frantz Fanon – was indifferent to the project of national sovereignty, preferring to remain a French ‘overseas department’. Fanon committed himself to the grander project of decolonisation in Africa: The Wretched of ...

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