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Wessis and Ossis

Neal Ascherson: Traces of the GDR, 14 December 2023

Beyond the Wall: East Germany 1949-90 
by Katja Hoyer.
Allen Lane, 475 pp., £25, April 2023, 978 0 241 55378 7
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Out of the Darkness: The Germans, 1942-2022 
by Frank Trentmann.
Allen Lane, 837 pp., £40, November 2023, 978 0 241 30349 8
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... were markedly less eager than their Hitler-era grandparents to denounce their neighbours.Hoyer and Frank Trentmann are both German historians; both teach at universities in London and write in English. Hoyer is by birth and sentiment an Ossi; Trentmann is sturdily a Wessi from Hamburg. Both rely heavily on the memories ...

Short Cuts

Richard J. Evans: Rewritten History, 2 December 2021

... people believed in the empire as a force for good in the world.’As the Birkbeck historian Frank Trentmann recently pointed out in his excellent analysis of Life in the United Kingdom, more recent history is similarly distorted by the 2013 document. Cutting out all reference to the appeasement pursued by British governments in the 1930s, the ...

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