A Wonder and a Scandal
Peter Campbell: Titian, 5 April 2001
Titian: The Complete Paintings
by Filippo Pedrocco and Maria Agnese Chiari Moreto Weil.
Thames and Hudson, 336 pp., £50, March 2001,0 500 09297 4 Show More
by Filippo Pedrocco and Maria Agnese Chiari Moreto Weil.
Thames and Hudson, 336 pp., £50, March 2001,
“... of pictures. The materials to work on have not expanded as fast as the number of workers. Filippo Pedrocco and Maria Agnese Chiari Moreto Weil’s Titian is an awkward volume; awkward in its format and layout, and awkward to use: it has no general index so if you wish to find references to lost works mentioned in the text, to other painters or ... ”