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The Vision Thing

Eyal Press: Paul Krugman, 19 June 2008

The Conscience of a Liberal: Reclaiming America from the Right 
by Paul Krugman.
Allen Lane, 296 pp., £20, March 2008, 978 1 84614 107 2
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... journalists weren’t saying as with what he was. Conservatives love to claim that the American press is swarming with liberals. Yet as Bush’s grip on power tightened, these liberals were hard to find. Krugman filled the void. And at a time when the mood among Democrats was sullen and defensive, he was a partisan who wore his contempt for the Bush ...

On the Disassembly Line

Katrina Forrester: Dirty Work, 7 July 2022

Work without the Worker: Labour in the Age of Platform Capitalism 
by Phil Jones.
Verso, 134 pp., £10.99, October 2021, 978 1 83976 043 3
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Dirty Work: Essential Jobs and the Hidden Toll of Inequality in America 
by Eyal Press.
Head of Zeus, 303 pp., £16.99, January, 978 1 80110 722 8
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... the abattoir, the prison. In Dirty Work, his account of ‘low-status jobs of last resort’, Eyal Press interviews Harriet Krzykowski, a psychology graduate who needed a job so she could fund her postgraduate degree in counselling. The only steady work she could find (this was in 2008) was with the Florida Department of Corrections, providing mental ...

In Kassel

Eyal Weizman: Documenta Fifteen, 4 August 2022

... of some of the invited artists. The complaints were soon taken up by the local and national press, helping to create the impression that this year’s Documenta was wilfully antisemitic.Among the early targets were two Palestinian participants associated with the Ramallah-based Khalil Sakakini Cultural Centre. They were accused of being ...

Tunnel Vision

Eyal Weizman: Israel’s Multidimensional Warfare, 16 December 2021

... one tonne of explosives, the biggest bombs in the air force’s arsenal, according to the Israeli press – detonates and sends shockwaves through the earth. In just over half an hour Israel’s planes dropped 450 such bombs – one every five seconds – into Gaza’s subsoil. This was the land-based equivalent of anti-submarine depth charges.Buildings in ...

Short Cuts

Tariq Ali: So much for England, 23 January 2020

... on election night) refused any deal with Labour under Corbyn because he wasn’t prepared to press the nuclear button and was therefore a security risk. The country was spared a coalition that would have further discredited Labour. As some Labour canvassers have subsequently reported, many voters felt the conference decision to ignore the referendum was ...

Smash the Screen

Hal Foster: ‘Duty Free Art’, 5 April 2018

Duty Free Art: Art in the Age of Planetary Civil War 
by Hito Steyerl.
Verso, 256 pp., £16.99, October 2017, 978 1 78663 243 2
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... but somehow to surf it with brio. For Steyerl, as for kindred practitioners like Trevor Paglen and Eyal Weizman, the key precursor is the late German filmmaker Harun Farocki, who believed the computer had come to displace photography, cinema and television as the dominant paradigm of contemporary visuality. Film and screen were technologies of optical ...

Kill Lists

Sophia Goodfriend, 10 October 2024

... military chiefs began remaking intelligence units in the image of Silicon Valley start-ups. The press framed service in military intelligence as ‘better than a degree from MIT’, claiming that it prepared young Israelis for success in a global tech economy. Applicants, typically from the middle-class, liberal and Ashkenazi communities who had rallied for ...

Let Them Drown

Naomi Klein, 2 June 2016

... of Indigenous women in Canada who have been murdered or gone missing, often in big cities. Press reports rarely make the connection between violence against women and violence against the land – often to extract fossil fuels – but it exists. Every new government comes to power promising a new era of respect for Indigenous rights. They don’t ...

Travels in Israel

Gabriel Piterberg: ‘Are you not from this country?’, 21 September 2006

... Driving back from the Galilee to Jerusalem one evening, I tune the radio to the news and hear Eyal Zisser of Tel Aviv University’s Moshe Dayan Centre announcing that one would have to go back ‘a thousand years’ in order to understand Lebanon’s confessional structure. The literature on the shifting historicity of national, ethnic, religious and ...

Nothing he hasn’t done, nowhere he hasn’t been

Adam Shatz: Claude Lanzmann, 5 April 2012

The Patagonian Hare: A Memoir 
by Claude Lanzmann, translated by Frank Wynne.
Atlantic, 528 pp., £25, March 2012, 978 1 84887 360 5
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... faced imminent destruction, rejoiced in its lightning victory and felt betrayed by de Gaulle’s press conference of 27 November 1967, in which, using language not heard in public since the war, he described the Jews as ‘an élite people, sure of themselves and domineering’. Yet there was much that rang true in de Gaulle’s warning that the occupation ...

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