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Labour Pains

Phillip Whitehead, 8 November 1979

Arguments for Socialism 
by Tony Benn.
Cape, 206 pp., £5.95
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Socialism without the State 
by Evan Luard.
Macmillan, 184 pp., £3.95
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Can Labour Win Again? 
by Austin Mitchell.
Fabian Society, 30 pp., £75
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Enemies of Democracy 
by Paul McCormick.
Temple Smith, 228 pp., £7.50
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... of books and pamphlets on Labour’s future is now emerging. Two former Ministers, Tony Benn and Evan Luard, have written books on the case for socialism as a liberating force, capable once more of converting men and women to its cause. Austin Mitchell, one of the few MPs with some training in political science, has described how urgent the task of ...

War for peace

Keith Kyle, 3 March 1983

A History of the United Nations. Vol. 1: The Years of Western Domination 
by Evan Luard.
Macmillan, 404 pp., £25, June 1982, 0 333 24389 7
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... first decade of peace. In this history of the UN’s pursuit of world security during that decade, Evan Luard recalls that it did not outlast the first year. According to Churchill’s account, the Soviet leader particularly distrusted the deciding of issues by votes, recalling with bitterness how the Soviet Union was punished for its aggression against ...

Keeping out

Alan Brinkley, 7 March 1985

Intervention in World Politics 
edited by Hedley Bull.
Oxford, 198 pp., £12.50, August 1984, 9780198274674
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... recognised international body, but not through unilateral intervention by a single state. Yet, as Evan Luard points out in a sobering essay, and as recent history makes clear, the realistic possibilities for successful collective intervention are few; and it is not surprising, perhaps, that the concept of ‘collective intervention’ has so often been ...

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