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No Dose for It at the Chemist

Helen Thaventhiran: William James’s Prescriptions, 24 October 2024

Be Not Afraid of Life: In the Words of William James 
by William James, edited by John Kaag and Jonathan van Belle.
Princeton, 387 pp., £25, January 2023, 978 0 691 24015 2
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William James, MD: Philosopher, Psychologist, Physician 
by Emma K. Sutton.
Chicago, 251 pp., £24, December 2023, 978 0 226 82898 5
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... with what they have been taught about liberty … One need only put one’s back into it.’Emma Sutton’s book offers a vital counterpoint to this, by showing that – when it came to himself – James recognised the limits of self-reliance. She accompanies his public words with accounts of his private pain, including a ‘dorsal infirmity’ so ...

The Tower

Andrew O’Hagan, 7 June 2018

... of our austere times, a totemic unfairness myth. Then, as one of the housing officers put it, Emma Dent Coad, the new MP for Kensington, ‘starts saying to the press “the council isn’t here,” and it was absurd.’ Council workers on the ground felt she was treating the whole thing as if it were a political game. They say they’d brought in ...

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