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Emily Gowers, 8 June 1995

Latin Literature: A History 
by Gian Biagio Conte, translated by Joseph Solodow.
Johns Hopkins, 827 pp., £45, June 1994, 0 8018 4638 2
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... Latin has always suffered from being in the shadow of its more glamorous Greek cousin. It is rarely allowed to stay up late for Dionysiac frenzies, sympotic sensuality or the frenetic cut and thrust of argument; instead, it has languished in the schoolroom, surrounded in popular mythology by a stuffy atmosphere of grammar, empire and conservative values ...

Friends in High Places

Nora Goldschmidt: Lives of Maecenas, 18 July 2024

Rome’s Patron: The Lives and Afterlives of Maecenas 
by Emily Gowers.
Princeton, 463 pp., £38, February, 978 0 691 19314 4
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... fragments of Maecenas’ own work, but these are just as hard to be sure of. It’s possible, as Emily Gowers suggests, that Seneca invented some of the many ‘quotations’ from Maecenas that have been extracted from his work, or that what is taken as the title of a lost work, De cultu suo (‘On His Own Style’), wasn’t a title at all. Two letters ...

Public Words

Randolph Quirk, 19 February 1981

Language – the Loaded Weapon 
by Dwight Bolinger.
Longman, 224 pp., £9.95, October 1980, 0 582 29107 0
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... by doing good’, as Tom Lehrer puts it in another connection, and the popular profitability of Emily Post linguistics has been another (though surely minor) reason for despising it in academic circles. A more select party has been less concerned with elegance and correctness than with fundamental problems of communicating by means of any among the Babel of ...

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