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M.I. Finley, 22 December 1983

Death and Renewal. Sociological Studies in Roman History: Vol. II 
by Keith Hopkins.
Cambridge, 276 pp., £19.50, May 1983, 0 521 24991 0
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... historians, but there is no cause for the anger that has been aroused, as when Professor Badian in reviewing the earlier volume wrote that ‘the feuding against “conventional” historians is deplorable.’ It may be tiresome after a while, but it cannot be condemned if it has more than a little foundation in fact, as it has. My difficulty lies in ...

Bonkers about Boys

James Davidson: Alexander the Great, 1 November 2001

Alexander the Great in Fact and Fiction 
edited by A.B. Bosworth and E.J. Baynham.
Oxford, 370 pp., £35, September 2000, 0 19 815287 6
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... and a satisfying bluntness in critical asides – some nice examples here, typically, from Ernst Badian in an article on conspiracies. And one wouldn’t wish on any subject the type of Lacanian analysis, rhetorics of gender and queer theory, which afflict other areas of ancient history. But there are surely more useful things to do with Alexander in the ...

Syme’s Revolution

Hugh Lloyd-Jones, 24 January 1980

Roman Papers 
by Ronald Syme, edited by E. Badian.
Oxford, 878 pp., £35, November 1980, 0 19 814367 2
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... During the fifty years that have elapsed since the publication of the earliest of the essays collected in these volumes, there has been a revolution in the study of Roman history in which Ronald Syme has played a part comparable with that of Augustus in the revolution which his most famous book describes. When his career began, that study was still dominated by the gigantic figure of Theodor Mommsen, who was born in 1817 and died in 1903, the year of Syme’s birth ...

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