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Patrick Mauriès: Halfway between France and Britain, 3 November 1983

... survived. No one will ever write his biography, or write about him a book resembling the one that Dewey Ganzel has written – in America, but it comes to the same thing – about Collier: and if they did write such a book, no one would write to a magazine like this to correct an error or approximation missed by the layman’s eye. Payne Collier is a ...

The Old Corrector

Richard Altick, 4 November 1982

Fortune and Men’s Eyes: The Career of John Payne Collier 
by Dewey Ganzel.
Oxford, 454 pp., £15, October 1982, 0 19 212231 2
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... Eyes is the studiously even-handed biography of an ambiguous and not especially likeable man who, Ganzel thinks, was convicted of a crime he did not commit. It is also, in part, an absorbing exercise in what might be called ‘forensic bibliography’, ranking with John Carter and Graham Pollard’s classic exposé of the Wise forgeries, An Enquiry into the ...

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