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Vincent Bevins: Revolution in Indonesia, 20 February 2025
Revolusi: Indonesia and the Birth of the Modern World
by David Van Reybrouck, translated by David Colmer and David McKay.
Bodley Head, 639 pp., £30, February 2024,978 1 84792 704 0 Show More
by David Van Reybrouck, translated by David Colmer and David McKay.
Bodley Head, 639 pp., £30, February 2024,
“... banned groups advocating for an Islamic caliphate in the country.In his new book, Revolusi, David Van Reybrouck puts the creation of the republic at the centre of the story. Indonesia was the first country to declare independence in the wake of the Second World War, shortly after the surrender of Japan, which had occupied what was then known as the ... ”