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Halls and Hovels

Colin Richmond, 19 December 1991

The Architecture of Medieval Britain 
by Colin Platt, with photographs by Anthony Kersting.
Yale, 325 pp., £29.95, November 1990, 0 300 04953 6
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... photographs make such places (among numerous others) irresistible. Mr Kersting is superb, and Mr Platt comes close to matching him. My reservations stem principally from the difficulties inherent in a book of this type: not all buildings which were interesting, or remarkable, or intriguing, or marvellous, have survived; not all surviving buildings are ...


Colin Burrow: Cultivation and desire in Renaissance gardens, 19 February 2004

Green Desire: Imagining Early Modern English Gardens 
by Rebecca Bushnell.
Cornell, 198 pp., £18.95, August 2003, 0 8014 4143 9
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... DIY enthusiasts. There were also quack books by quick-fix artists such as the notorious Hugh Platt, which promised that if you transplanted your gillyflowers three days after the full moon and twice more before the next new moon, and then eight days after the next full moon, they would be bound to come up double. (It may work with tulips, too, he ...

Irving, Terry, Gary and Graham

Ian Hamilton, 22 April 1993

Behind Closed Doors 
by Irving Scholar and Mihir Bose.
Deutsch, 367 pp., £14.99, November 1992, 0 233 98824 6
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Sick as a Parrot: The Inside Story of the Spurs Fiasco 
by Chris Horrie.
Virgin, 293 pp., £4.99, August 1992, 0 86369 620 1
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Gary Lineker: Strikingly Different 
by Colin Malam.
Stanley Paul, 147 pp., £12.99, January 1993, 0 09 175424 0
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... The liveliest section of this otherwise pretty tame account of his career comes at the end when Colin Malam gets Taylor and Lineker at each other’s throats. Lineker is characteristically oblique and Taylor characteristically confused but the animosity is clear. Taylor comes out of it the worse, seeming envious, pelts and two-faced. But this is Lineker’s ...

Stalker & Co

Damian Grant, 20 November 1986

... Norman Briggs, is informed by James Anderton that Stalker is under investigation, and that Colin Sampson, Chief Constable of West Yorkshire, is to take Stalker’s place on the RUC inquiry. Two days later, Briggs announces publicly that he has asked Sampson to conduct an investigation into a ‘disciplinary offence’ that may have been committed by ...

¿Vamos Bien?

Eric Hershberg: Cuba and America, 28 May 2009

Cuba in the American Imagination: Metaphor and the Imperial Ethos 
by Louis Pérez.
North Carolina, 333 pp., £32.95, August 2008, 978 0 8078 3216 5
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Cuba in Revolution: A History since the 1950s 
by Antoni Kapcia.
Reaktion, 208 pp., £15.95, September 2008, 978 1 86189 402 1
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... Colin Powell’s service to the cause of regime change wasn’t confined to Iraq. George W. Bush got him to chair his Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba, which in 2004 produced a report suggesting ways to undermine the Cuban government and replace it with a system of ‘open market’ capitalism and multi-party elections ...

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