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Gospel Truth

Ian Aitken: Tony Benn and the end of parliamentary socialism, 19 February 1998

The End of Parliamentary Socialism 
by Leo Panitch and Colin Leys.
Verso, 341 pp., £40, September 1997, 1 85984 109 0
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... of the Bennite saga of the Seventies and Eighties from the one which is recited in Panitch and Leys’s book. Their approach to the matter can be gauged from the fact that they dedicate their work to the memory of Ralph Miliband – a Marxist (though non-Communist) theoretician who had very little time for the Labour Party as an instrument of socialism and ...

The African University

Mahmood Mamdani, 19 July 2018

... the spell of Tanzania.’ Mazrui had a worried eye on the radicals at Dar, but he singled out Colin Leys, then the principal of Kivukoni College, the ruling party’s ideological school (also in Dar). Leys had lamented that besides the three obvious social ills – ‘poverty, ignorance and disease’ – Tanzania ...

Democratic Warming

Tom Nairn: The Upstaging of the G8, 4 August 2005

... at once influencing and humanising it. The G8 itself is very poorly equipped for the task. As Colin Leys says in an essay in Arguments against G8, what it stands for has been variously called ‘pseudo-democracy’, ‘low-intensity democracy’ and ‘thin democracy’.3 Confronted with the rising pressures from below, it has to resort to enhanced ...

The Partisan

Jeremy Harding, 23 June 1994

The Search for Africa: A History in the Making 
by Basil Davidson.
Currey, 373 pp., £25, March 1994, 0 85255 719 1
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... the prevalence of war, hunger, debt and disease, has tended to stick. It is taken up again by Colin Leys in New Left Review (March/April 1994) in a piece that contrasts the massive distress in much of Africa with Davidson’s unruffled approach to it – that of the ‘natural optimist’, as Anderson rightly thinks of him. For ...

Bristling Ermine

Jeremy Harding: R.W. Johnson, 4 May 2017

Look Back in Laughter: Oxford’s Postwar Golden Age 
by R.W. Johnson.
Threshold, 272 pp., £14.50, May 2015, 978 1 903152 35 5
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How Long Will South Africa Survive? The Looming Crisis 
by R.W. Johnson.
Hurst, 288 pp., £12.99, July 2016, 978 1 84904 723 4
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... hair and unkempt looks’, ‘every inch a mandarin’ – and the political scientist Colin Leys. Qualified praise goes to Christopher Hill; there are fond memories of Tariq Ali (who contests one or two details in the memoir). Johnson remembers Hodgkin, a dogged adversary of Pretoria, refusing to sign a petition in favour of anti-apartheid ...

In Farageland

James Meek, 9 October 2014

... shining white blocks built in 2007 as part of Labour’s PFI programme. As well as Farage, Charlie Leys, the sixth-former who had organised and was chairing the event, had managed to pull in South Thanet’s sitting Tory MP, Laura Sandys, a believer in EU membership who is standing down at the next election, and the candidates from Labour, the Liberal ...

It’s already happened

James Meek: The NHS Goes Private, 22 September 2011

... a choice of competing barbarians to defend its borders. In their book The Plot against the NHS, Colin Leys and Stewart Player argue that, having failed to persuade the public and the medical establishment under Margaret Thatcher that the NHS should be turned into a European-style national insurance programme, the advocates of a competitive health ...

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