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Natural-Born Biddies

Ruby Hamilton: Celia Dale’s Nastiness, 15 August 2024

Sheep’s Clothing 
by Celia Dale.
Daunt, 306 pp., £9.99, September 2023, 978 1 914198 60 1
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A Helping Hand 
by Celia Dale.
Daunt, 260 pp., £9.99, September 2022, 978 1 914198 33 5
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A Spring of Love 
by Celia Dale.
Daunt, 359 pp., £9.99, September, 978 1 914198 94 6
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... If Celia Dale​ is a nasty writer, then her nastiness, like Roald Dahl’s, is partly cosmetic: no boil goes unenlarged, no paunch unemphasised. Her novels (thirteen in total, often described as works of domestic crime fiction or ‘suburban horror’) display a fondness for all creatures sallow and bowlegged: a menagerie of bedraggled birds, wet fish and disgusting old walruses ...

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