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Anti-Party Party

Ben Jackson: The Greens, 7 May 2015

Honourable Friends? Parliament and the Fight for Change 
by Caroline Lucas.
Portobello, 281 pp., £14.99, March 2015, 978 1 84627 593 7
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... Caroline Lucas​ became the Green Party’s first MP when she won Brighton Pavilion in 2010. Two years later she resigned as leader of the party in England and Wales and was replaced by Natalie Bennett. In 2011, the Greens took minority control of Brighton and Hove City Council, and in 2013 Jenny Jones, who has represented the Greens in the London Assembly since 2000, became a peer in the House of Lords ...

Is that it for the NHS?

Peter Roderick: Is that it for the NHS?, 3 December 2015

... going ahead, as well as reversing 25 years of marketisation. It was tabled in June by the Green MP Caroline Lucas, and is supported by Labour (including Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell), as well as by Lib Dem, SNP and Plaid Cymru MPs and the British Medical Association. The question now is whether Labour under Corbyn will end its support for the market ...

Short Cuts

Francis FitzGibbon: Locking On, 10 February 2022

... part of Oxford Street for breaching this condition. A group of protesters including the Green MP Caroline Lucas challenged the police action in court, and won, because the police were found to have exceeded their powers by including the whole of London as the venue of the ‘assembly’. The court decided that the condition was too vague for anyone to ...

The Right to Protest

Rosa Curling, 9 May 2019

... of people to protest lawfully against fracking. In a witness statement to the court, the Green MP Caroline Lucas argued that ‘reasonable obstructions of the highway, such as slow walking, and peaceful protests, are legitimate tactics in the anti-fracking and other political and civic movements.’ The High Court disagreed and the interim injunction was ...

Corbyn’s Progress

Tariq Ali, 3 March 2016

... on the antiwar coalition. One effect was to scare the Greens and cause the party’s former leader Caroline Lucas to resign from the STW committee. Was this really her own decision or was it the idea of the inept Natalie Bennett, fearful that Green supporters were being carried away by the pied piper from Islington? Corbyn himself was unmoved: he told the ...

Itch to Shine

Freya Johnston: Austen’s Suitors, 20 March 2025

Love and Marriage in the Age of Jane Austen 
by Rory Muir.
Yale, 407 pp., £25, February 2024, 978 0 300 26960 4
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... in Persuasion (1817) marries a former lover whose loss had seemed irrevocable. When Charlotte Lucas decides to accept Mr Collins, a man deemed insufferable by the younger, more rebellious Elizabeth Bennet, the narrator offers a series of crisp remarks which may contain some recollections of the short-lived prospect of becoming Mrs Bigg-Wither:Mr ...

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