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Our Second Biggest Mistake in the Middle East

Alastair Crooke: The Case for Hamas, 5 July 2007

Hamas: Unwritten Chapters 
by Azzam Tamimi.
Hurst, 344 pp., £14.95, September 2006, 9781850658344
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Where Now for Palestine? The Demise of the Two-State Solution 
edited by Jamil Hilal.
Zed, 260 pp., £17.99, December 2006, 1 84277 840 4
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Failing Peace: Gaza and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict 
by Sara Roy.
Pluto, 379 pp., £16.99, October 2006, 0 7453 2234 4
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... decisions would be enacted by presidential decree. The government was to be rendered powerless. As Azzam Tamimi notes in Hamas: Unwritten Chapters, the Hamas government had no police force at its disposal, and no authority over frontier crossings. At the same time, the West imposed financial sanctions on the government and isolated it ...

In the Streets of Londonistan

John Upton: Terror, Muslims and the Met, 22 January 2004

... Magnus Ranstorp and others like him are well known beyond the law enforcement community. I meet Azzam Tamimi at his office in Cricklewood. Dr Tamimi, a Palestinian, is the director of the Institute of Islamic Political Thought, the author of several books on politics and Islam, and a commentator on Middle Eastern and ...

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