Britain’s Juntas
Arthur Gavshon, 19 September 1985
The Disappeared: Voices from a Secret War
by John Simpson and Jana Bennett.
Robson, 416 pp., £12.95, June 1985,0 86051 292 4 Show More
by John Simpson and Jana Bennett.
Robson, 416 pp., £12.95, June 1985,
“... Military and police murder squads roamed Argentina’s cities and villages during the Dirty War in search of anyone answering to the definition offered by General Jorge Rafael Videla: ‘A terrorist is not just someone with a gun or a bomb but also someone who spreads ideas that are contrary to Western and Christian civilisation.’ The dictatorial regimes led successively by Generals Videla, Roberto Eduardo Viola and Leopoldo Galtieri from 1976 to 1982 interpreted the concept of ‘Western and Christian civilisation’ in their own singular way ... ”