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Who is Angela Merkel?

Franziska Augstein, 14 July 2011

... his party subservient to him. Now no one felt able to stand up to him. No one, that is, except Angela Merkel. While Kohl took refuge behind his ‘word of honour’ and the CDU tried to sweep the embarrassment under the carpet, Merkel pleaded for him to come clean. Kohl, she wrote in the Frankfurter Allgemeine, had ...

In the Superstate

Wolfgang Streeck: What is technopopulism?, 27 January 2022

Technopopulism: The New Logic of Democratic Politics 
by Christopher J. Bickerton and Carlo Invernizzi Accetti.
Oxford, 256 pp., £75, February 2021, 978 0 19 880776 6
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... Accetti are present beyond France, the UK and Italy, it seems useful to consider the long rule of Angela Merkel, whose regime did have technopopulist traits, though what was presented as non-partisan problem-solving tended to be driven by quite traditional politics aimed at stabilising Merkel’s electoral ...

Claudio Castiglione and Massimo Tamburini

Frederick Seidel, 22 January 2015

... course of cancer. It appears Europe will fail, The euro and immigration. Germany’s Chancellor, Angela Merkel, Is the only man among them. Nothing is more beautiful than her political will, But stupidity and cupidity will probably prevail. Cancer, cancer, everywhere, And cocaine sunshine in the Botticelli air. The exotic Ducati Superleggera crackles As ...

Short Cuts

Jan-Werner Müller: Playing Democracy, 19 June 2014

... as envisaged in the treaty. For a while, everyone went along with this useful fiction: even Angela Merkel, reluctant as usual to have her choices constrained by inconveniences such as a popular vote, eventually agreed to declare Jean-Claude Juncker, the former prime minister of Luxembourg, the leading candidate of the Christian ...

Short Cuts

James Meek: Yulia Tymoshenko, 7 June 2012

... the braids; the blonde corona framing her head that declares: ‘Ukraine, c’est moi.’ After Angela Merkel, Yulia Tymoshenko is perhaps (Mrs Thatcher excepted) the European woman politician best known outside her own country. Merkel is low-key and plain-speaking, an austere, common-sense ...

In Athens

Richard Clogg, 5 July 2012

... surprising, that cartoons in the Greek press, protest banners and Lenten carnival figures lampoon Angela Merkel as a Nazi. But the bitterness, indignation and frustration that the cartoons reflect should be understood in the context of some of the worst atrocities committed by the Wehrmacht anywhere in occupied Europe. Despite the fact that the UK is not ...

Short Cuts

Andrew O’Hagan: Black Forest Thinking, 22 October 2020

... projected onto the façade to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of reunification.Fresh air. Angela Merkel is a big fan of it, and says that ventilating a room – lüften – may be the saving of mankind, and the cheapest way to contain the virus. She can become quite deep on the subject – a friend of mine used to call it ‘Black Forest ...

Notes on the Election

David Runciman, 5 March 2015

... The two most successful conservative leaders of the Western world – Stephen Harper in Canada and Angela Merkel in Germany – are notoriously uninspiring performers behind the lectern. A recent New Yorker profile of Merkel described her delivery as so toneless it seemed as if ‘she were trying to induce her audience ...

Memory Failure

Pankaj Mishra: Germany’s Commitment to Israel, 4 January 2024

Subcontractors of Guilt: Holocaust Memory and Muslim Belonging in Postwar Germany 
by Esra Özyürek.
Stanford, 264 pp., £25.99, March, 978 1 5036 3556 2
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Never Again: Germans and Genocide after the Holocaust 
by Andrew Port.
Harvard, 352 pp., £30.95, May, 978 0 674 27522 5
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... will not leave you alone.’ Six decades on, Israel’s security is Germany’s Staatsräson, as Angela Merkel put it in 2008. The phrase has been repeatedly invoked, with more vehemence than clarity, by German leaders in the weeks since 7 October. Solidarity with the Jewish state has burnished Germany’s proud self-image as the only country that makes ...

A Degree of Light-Heartedness

Christopher Clark: Merkel’s Two Lives, 20 February 2025

Freedom: Memoirs 1954-2021 
by Angela Merkel with Beate Baumann, translated by Alice Tetley-Paul et al.
Macmillan, 709 pp., £35, November 2024, 978 1 0350 2075 1
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... Angela Merkel​ was 35 when the country in which she had established herself as a research scientist ceased to exist. Once that happened, the transition was instantaneous: her career in science ended and her career in politics began. For nearly half of the period that has elapsed since that moment in 1990 – 16 out of 34 years – Merkel was at the apex of the German state ...

Short Cuts

Mark Mazower: The Armenian Genocide, 8 April 2010

... would actually tip the balance in favour of membership. (On the contrary, only the other day, Angela Merkel repeated her suggestion that Turkey should be content with a privileged partnership.) Thus what Ankara has really wanted from the Americans – help getting into Europe – it turns out the Americans can’t deliver. In these ...

What do Germans think about when they think about Europe?

Jan-Werner Müller: Germany’s Europe, 9 February 2012

... miracle of the 1950s (as well as the mini-miracle of the last two years). Ordoliberalism is what Angela Merkel wants for the Eurozone as a whole: rigid rules and legal frameworks beyond the reach of democratic decision-making. In this sense – but this sense only – Thomas Mann’s nightmare of a German Europe, instead of a European Germany, might ...

Short Cuts

Jeremy Harding: Who is François Hollande?, 13 September 2012

... the marks of a militant steeped in the discipline of the long game. Time is short, however, and Angela Merkel will determine whether or not an indebted left republic at the heart of the EU can become a reality. Perhaps the president who thinks that ‘democracy is stronger than the markets,’ whose key text is The Myth of Sisyphus by Camus, really can ...

Will it hold?

Helen Thompson: Will the EU hold?, 21 June 2018

... European state could bear. While Schäuble’s attempts to effect the expulsion of Greece failed, Angela Merkel’s attempt to manage the refugee and migrant crisis was more effective. Confronted with large numbers of people entering Europe as a consequence of the failure of Western policy in Syria and Libya, growing tensions in Western relations with ...

Short Cuts

Ben Jackson: The Canadian Election, 22 October 2015

... is nothing more ambitious than smashing up the Liberal Party. That’s unfair. Harper, alongside Angela Merkel, is probably the most successful conservative politician in contemporary Western politics. He undoubtedly wants the Conservatives to end the Liberals’ reign as Canada’s ‘natural governing party’ (though I’d be more convinced of his ...

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