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Fresh, Generous, Colourful, Idyllic

Tim Parks: ‘Graziella’, 21 February 2019

by Alphonse deLamartine, translated by Raymond MacKenzie.
Minnesota, 168 pp., £12.99, November 2018, 978 1 5179 0247 6
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... Ecstasy​ and chastity. In Alphonse deLamartine’s two most famous novels, a young man and woman seem to feel for each other what we usually think of as romantic love, but never become lovers, don’t kiss and hardly touch. The ostensible reasons for this are social and moral ...

Bristling with Barricades

Christopher Clark: Paris, 1848, 3 November 2022

Writers and Revolution: Intellectuals and the French Revolution of 1848 
by Jonathan Beecher.
Cambridge, 474 pp., £29.99, April 2021, 978 1 108 84253 2
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... Ascene​ in front of the Hôtel de Ville in Paris, 1848: standing on an armchair taken from inside the building, Alphonse deLamartine addresses the crowd. Around him are the men of the newly formed provisional government. Smoke wafts over the people and there are signs of recent fighting: a small artillery piece, the rubble of a barricade, a dead or dying horse, a man on a makeshift stretcher who bleeds from the bandaged stump of his right hand ...

Rob, Kill and Burn

Youssef Ben Ismail: Massacre in Damascus, 6 March 2025

The Damascus Events: The 1860 Massacre and the Destruction of the Old Ottoman World 
by Eugene Rogan.
Allen Lane, 377 pp., £30, May 2024, 978 0 241 64690 8
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... and the Middle East to the Hejaz, Persia and the Indian subcontinent. In 1833 the French poet Alphonse deLamartine witnessed a dazzling procession of thousands of camels entering the city, bringing mocha coffee and Indian shawls from Baghdad. Damascene artisans were famous for their textiles, in particular silks ...

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