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Jenny Diski: The Cannibal in Me, 6 August 2009

An Intellectual History of Cannibalism 
by Catalin Avramescu, translated by Alistair IanBlyth.
Princeton, 350 pp., £17.95, May 2009, 978 0 691 13327 0
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... In 2001, Armin Meiwes, a computer technician from Rotenburg in Germany, advertised on the Cannibal Café website for someone to have dinner with. He received numerous replies, but some withdrew when he responded and he considered others not serious enough. Eventually he invited Bernd Brandes for dinner. The plan was that Armin and Bernd would dine on Bernd’s severed penis, to be bitten off at the table for the occasion (this failed and it had to be cut off ...

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