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The Unwritten Sociology of HIV

Alex de Waal: The War on Aids, 19 June 2003

Aids in the 21st Century: Disease and Globalisation 
by Tony Barnett and Alan Whiteside.
Palgrave, 416 pp., £52.50, June 2002, 1 4039 0005 1
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... We are simply not prepared for disasters of this magnitude and complexity. Tony Barnett and Alan Whiteside have been saying as much for the best part of two decades. AIDS in the 21st Century is their review of the social science of Aids, of the reasons for the pandemic, and of what it may entail. It is already the foundation text for postgraduate ...

Aids in South Africa

R.W. Johnson, 12 September 1991

... collapse of the rural economy, with much of the country transformed into a vast refugee camp. Alan Whiteside, the conference organiser, pointed out that three out of four available projections for Zimbabwe were for an actual population decline over the next decade, but he didn’t himself believe that such a götterdämmerung was likely. Although ...

There is no cure

Michael Wood: Freud’s Guesswork, 6 July 2006

The Penguin Freud Reader 
edited by Adam Phillips.
Penguin, 570 pp., £14.99, January 2006, 0 14 118743 3
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... Ragg-Kirkby, in An Outline of Psychoanalysis); ‘investment’ and ‘charge’ (Shaun Whiteside, in On Murder, Mourning and Melancholia). Similar worries arise with the trio we know as the ego, the superego and the id. Luckhurst has a relatively easy time here because early in his career Freud writes ‘das Ich’, a term already in use, to mean ...


Ronald Bryden, 10 December 1987

The Life of Kenneth Tynan 
by Kathleen Tynan.
Weidenfeld, 407 pp., £16.95, September 1987, 9780297790822
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... with a swan, a gazelle and a tropical fish. He could use animal imagery to be scathing, as well. Alan Badel’s Romeo brought to his mind a restless marmoset, Dorothy Tutin’s Ophelia ‘a mouse on the rack’ and Claire Bloom’s Jessica in an Old Vic Merchant of Venice, gazing adoringly but disconcertingly into Lorenzo’s eyes, ‘a sea-lion awaiting a ...

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