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Mysteries of Kings Cross

Iain Sinclair, 5 October 1995

Vale Royal 
by Aidan Dun.
Goldmark, 130 pp., £22.50, July 1995
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... to an open-ended project. The names of the poets were the stanzas of a continuous book. Aidan Dun’s Vale Royal, an epic based on the mysteries of Kings Cross, fits seamlessly into the continuum. I hope it is giving this elegantly produced book its due if I call it anonymous: egoic interference is minimal, the poet wills himself to disappear ...

Museums of Melancholy

Iain Sinclair: Silence on the Euston Road, 18 August 2005

... in residence. The poet most deeply implicated in the visionary geography of King’s Cross was Aidan Dun. His long meditated cycle, Vale Royal, was published in a handsome limited edition in 1995. Dun was invited, and indeed paid, to address the developers. ‘Kings Cross,’ he pronounced, ‘has exerted a magnetic ...

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